
Our network service been attacted last night which prevent me from posting my blog last night, this is the first time our servie down due to a hack attack, CTO reported to me this morning, this is a strange feeling to me, why people attack someone's service, a personal reason or what ?

yesterday, the lunch is different, I eloborate Sound's problem and obtain opinions, then we identifed a mother who send her kid to the seeding primary school, I make an appointment with her will consalut her comments next Monday; then me and my wife talked about the ' Forest school ", the other non-system educational program running in Taiwan earlier than Seedling -- it established 14 years ago, to compare this 2 schools, one is founded by mother who think kid should be as free as possible; the other run by a scholar who think our kids derserves more than the eduction system provide today, totally different perspective toward the kid's education; it seems my wife favor the Forest school better than Seedling. I may need to bring her to the site and take a look before making appointment with Professor Sher -- the founder of Forest School.

J. come to me in late evening and seek my opinion about the animation company he's running, my advise is simple -- to encourge him become the real executive in the company and take part in the decision make and company devleopment strategy building process, I want him to do the follows:

1. find a good time to have a decent discussion with the other partner who is now holding the General Manager's title , but reluctent to act as the executive, asking his support to make J. the next GM and handle diary operation of the company.
2. present the development plan and business issue to all the employee and share holder, asking their suppor as well.
3. set up a basic company intrernal control policy no matter how small this company is, to follow the systema and regulation jointly agreed with key employee and shareholder.
4. if any business / management issues need my advise, call me any time.
5. Deliver the meeting result by end of Aug and inform me immediately.



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