
Life premier in STWN is good, last round of negociation with dominate carrier was bad, I am paticipation on the prior session and lead the negociation table to Japan delegation; when COO delivery the message to me and told me the " no gain '" result, I am a little bit surprised, then I feel relax, it will give us a brand new perspective to our business, the core to survive or the wisdom to exit; personally, I am free from the potential owning someone delimn; any give in by the dominate player to me will easily been translated as a favor to our personal attachment, I may carry this burdon for a long long time; so, this situation help me to stand tall and help me to see things more clear.

Dinner with Minister without potfolio was a casual one, met old friend in the restaurant Really Good and enjoy the famous shirmp roll , this is a very casual event. organized by me and hosting by STWN. No one know who better, I don't know why Nicole point me a " play boy ", maybe this is the only interpretation of a man who knows a lot restuarnts in English. I don't understand.

Y. is wondering what subject I am going to bring to him at the breakfast table, nothing really, don't think too much, nothing.



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