
Dog eyeview and Bird eyeviews is what come to my mind this morning, the seeing level from these 2 animals are different from a human eye contact horizon; Birds see the object smaller than it's original shape, Dog watch everything taller than it with a 45% angle, one look down , one look up; human with the same height look each other ............... How a look translate to a meaning of something ? I have it intertwine inquiry in mind.

Written language is for expression and to communicate, even I tried to memorized all the new valcavory I learned, but to use them in my diary writing wasn't easy, as it didn't developed as a habit of my writing pattern, it's difficult for me to think new word and to insert in my diary format writing, as a non-native English writer, without academic English writing training, maybe I am asking too much; to quite what Harold teach me " don't force someone to a dictionary when communicate with people" be common, be plain and be specific.



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