
Take an early leave this afternoon to fix the broken relationship with wife, this is a " Do it right at the first time " believe, as we didn't sharing the Chinese Valentine's Day yesterday, I want to make it up today; not only for her, for me as well.

after a 70 minutes long conversation with COO, he've return from his Europe trip, I invited him for a coffee and go over the " operaiton update " which I recorded it every day last week, this is a very good action for me to revisit the operaiton issues and to think deep in the hands-on situration, conducte a few coffee with senior employee, dig some problems hidden somewhere in employees' heart and trigger some incentive to stimulate the team spirit was what I did last week, to take the chance of coffee, we share my findings one by one, and exceeded the scheduled 30 minutes.

Wife came and pick me up in the windy afternoon, Typhoon is approching, we returned home and chage to casual dressing, then headed to Chang Chuang theater; dinner at Ba-Jane -- a very local yet delicious restaurant and I bought 2 tickets for " Evil ", yes, exactly, this is the movie I saw yesterday, as it reflect to a very similar character of our son -- Sound, so , I want to bring my wife to see it, even I don't get too much sleep last night ( I went to bed around 4 am ), but I knew this will change some of her perspective about boarding school and our son; a good movie indeed, I didn't feel boring even wath it again the follow day, I didn't told my wife I've been to this one yesterday, we talked and talked and she made up her mind sending Sound to the " Forest primary school ",

I enjoy watching Evil again, why a Sweeden film can touch Asian's heart, why the story of a rebel kids can travelling all over the place and become universally concerned issue, why we moved by the story telling and why we worried about the actor and carefully followed the script written by the screen play writer ? human must have a common nature to communicate without language. Love, Hate, Tear, Laugh, there must be lots to follow... again, I enjoy Evil so much.



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