
J. came to my dream last night, she was the former Financial Director who worked with me in the entertainment company; now let me described what's in my dream, she came into my office and discussed with me the revamp of the cassatte design and the digitize of the cover / procesure, she feel this may cause the corruption between sales team and the vendor ( which I don't know why ), I told her we haven't been closing working together for a long while and I respect his expertize in the contorlling and administrative talent, I promise her I will take a close look at this issue and I will summon the related person in this value chain and check if what her concern can be eased; then I told her I didn't go to record shop that offen and hardly see any shop carry cassette any more, then I told her I am not in the record industry any more, it's been 4 years since I left the music industry and I am not entitled to handle this issue , but I told her I will try, then she left my office. after that, I call up a meeting to check this issue................ J. who passed away almost 2 years, she suffer from the cancer for 10 years, the cancer developed when we were working together, she didn't calaps and she went for 4 surgeiry and been to chimotherapy 4 times, only a few people can endure the combined great pain of physical and mental, she was number 3 in the company when me and then MD M. recruiting our key staff in the very beginning of our company, a very tough lady.........until now, she want to advise me how to handle my difficulity.

Went to another series of Fullshot documentary " No. 1 house in the world ", a sideshow apart from ' life ", no so heavy, but still touching, Director Wu appear and conduct a Q and A after the screening, he talked for almost an hour, yes, he is a great story teller without camera too; the untold story of A-Ted - the retire honored solider is great, I bring my wife to a greeting with him, he gave me a hug, a warm hug.

Spending the entire Sunday with A-li, a 25 years friend since my army days, he invited us to his house in Taoyuang and having lunch in a Shanghainess restaurant, he is now working at Tsu-shu high school. where we plan to put Fruit next summer, a decent and kind person; Fruit made a very big mistake when walking the elavotor, she complained about the old elavator and it make me so unhappy, how you can judgy a good man by his propery or richness ? I feel shame about it and don't know how to react to A-li, when went home in late evening, I taught her how to repect people and taugh her how to make herself a person to be welcomed before judge any person she did not know, this is a very bad attitude. it last for 24 hours, until this morning, her mother can't stop to teach her again.



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