
Take half day off yesterday to alter my depression about Sound's possible drop out form Forest , I called my wife and said to her that I will met her at SOGO where she exercised everyday; meet at Prads shop, she bought a nylon skirt, this is the wedding anniversary gift for her, next Tuesday will be our 17th anniversay of marriage.

Had a susi launch in the basement restaurant, a chain of KO, the susi is good, after lunch, we decided to go for a art film " 10 minutes old ", she drove to the parking lot at Shemingting, we bought 2 tickets and enjoy our Late before the screening, during the waiting time, our conversation focus on Sound's situtation, we found that we are too ingore about him for the past years and didn't pay decent attention on his growth, thanks to the Forest, this 2 weeks close observation give us new ispiration, to think more about our kids, about his potential ADSD syndrome and a educational process for parent to think, our conclustion is : no matter Forest keep Sound or not, he is our child, this factor won't change and we have to look after her for as long as we could.

10 minutes old is pretty experimental, 9 directors producting 9 episode, 3 of the epsodes which I found interesting and more approching, one is a picture of an old man and his memories about the youth days and the man's thoughs about young, woman, desire ..... very itimacy to me; another is a film talking about time," the present of past is memory, the present of future is expectation, and the longer of present will create more memories " , Goda ( wrong spelling )'s film is the thrid one which inspired me, like mapping the puzzle, he use very short films to come up with the concept of " Time ", I like the way he intepretate things.

we went home and pick up Fruit and for for a Hot Pot dinner, we found this place last week , and l love the mutton they provide, tender with no sheep smell, soup is good and the restaurant is clean; in the restarant, I ran into a person who come and say hello to me, I hardly remember him until he told me he is the person who worked in the real estate company and helping us locate the house in Roservelt Road, this bring back my memory, that was 7 years ago when my wife is preganet -- Sound didn't come to the earth yet, during the dinner , we don't feel comfortable, me and my wife, cause we are always feel that somebody's watching, I pay both bills for grtitude of his helping years ago and to end a rebuilded relationship so to speak.

in the car back home, I said to my wife that this re-house agent must think hard about how to inititative conversation with me during the whole dinner, and I am cautious about his amitious, if this is the human nature, I may be him when seeing some big shot in public places, and thoes big shot may think what I am thinking now, what a crazy idea and what a cruel and true world.

Documentary viewpoint last night on PTS showing the series of " Education Innovation ", this time, they highlight a primary school and how a shool president exercise the school as her persoanl stage to develop her relationship, a very intersting viewpoint, and we think the president must be very angry today.

Have a long coffee with J. the special assistant to us, he mentioned a few things :
1. the lack of accomplishment as a staff : I told him this is a " in control mentality ", when you don't control the resource of your own, you feel helpless to deliver result , and you don't feel the solid feeling of achievement, but a higher level of achievmenent are " Creating new Value " and " Power of Influence ", think about a man who only influence people and making others deploy the resource to his intention and to perform what the leader wished, this is a true leadership and true accomplishment. he may then think from this angle.
2. the role for me and COO : we are more and more looks the same and the complimentary role between us is less significant than before, this is an alarm bell, I should talk it over with COO and see how the functionality I should perform to eliminate this wrong imprssion.
3. Communication with all staff : I shall and will writing message to all user from next month and making it a communication platform to enlighen the spirit again, bringing new hope to all the employee is very important to me.
4. Identify potential talent in the company : I am asking him to help me locate new and potential talent to be deveoped, I will then follow to invite them for a chat.

Ali- the good guy called for a lunch, Fruit will soon join the school and under his supervison, a long time friend and a decent perosn.



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