
Brighten Taiwan's smile is the theme for the national service industry conference; I was invited to attend this grand meeting on Monday, the scheduled full day meeting to highlight the next country development for Taiwan; the conference opened with President Chen's speech, I didn't pay attention to his wording as I am busy scheduling Professor Chuang's Life screening in President Theater; after the grand presentation, break-up meeting take places, I am sitting in the " Culture and Creative Service Industry " team which is chaired by Minster of Culture and Construction and Development ".

the presentation for the break up meeting is too long, it left only 30 minutes for attendee to exchange comment, but as the chairman is patient enough, it extended another 30 minutes for comments, in total 12 persons delivered their message and most of them hold opposition position in 3 flameworks , form MOEA - they are in charge of building the platform and access to skill / finance / tax related issue, for COMDA, they issue a " Activity based Culture event devlopment " and GIO raised " Revitalization of Movie Industry " as the flagship project for C and C Industry; Jonny Duan -- President of Rock Recoad accuse the mis-conduct of policy and regulation which jerpordize the music indusry, one professor from Shita challenge the ideology of context -- the culture event related to TAIWAN OR Chinese speaking territory ? and raise a great doubt about the " back groud " and " quality of people " who can embrass the culture event as natural as westerner.

If I didn't see the National Geogrophic documentary of " Mega structure " and they didn't introduce Dubai and the city in the city -- canel and the 100,000 new city in 10 years, I will not compare our flagship program -- how come we need 12 years to bring a new feel of movie industry -- what a trivial achievment , and Dubai can build the whole land less than 10 years, the effiency and commitment level is so different, how terrible our buauacicy system is ? gathering professionals , scholars , elites and officers in one room, having them release what they want to dump. then forget it, no action plan, no powerful commitment and of course, no proven result; we will take 12 years to survive a dying industry with no cure ? why ?

Life is a big bang in town, I am glad what we did really pay off, but the crowded and over booking tickets cause commotiond as well, I don't know if this is the purpose Director Wu expected, but at lease Hochen is not happy about it, I am fine, you know, what make my feel uncomfortable is the green painting, it from light green to deep green and it will draw a line for the common spirit -- rebirht; President Chen went to see it too early and his show up and support this film may hesitate people who hold different ideology, message of love is an universl language, I hope what I worried won't turn out to be a reality, and I hope those who wish to take advange of the film won't leverage on people's love and passion.

sharing with Professor Chung at noon for this, we share the same and he is very sensetive to it, we all agree that we have to check the other 3 films before drawing to assumption.

every event in Taiwan can easily been converted to political event, I am worry what professor's good intention will in vain.



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