
A long day for meetings and greeting outside, I bring intern J. with me as one of his training for last week, I can't offer more experence but to open more opportunity for him to observe. Lunch with artist Corbett at the French restaurant is the first encounter, they knew each other before and this reunion is an unexpected gathering for them, this is a really casual meal, we enjoy food, converstaion and peoples. when C. told me how he end up here in Taiwan, that's a very good stroy and indeed he is a very professional story teller; we had so much fun listening to his story in Taiwan, and this is the 16th year from the moment he flied here.

after lunch, we went for the meeting with M. son of my old friend Yu. M. is the other type of person who I want J. to have closer observation, after the meeting with him and learn his idea about establishing a artist management firm, initativate a media fund and the hotle chain idea, I told J. this is how we see a young man working on his finaical game, by leverage the network / resource and speeding to the potential rich stardom; the thrid meeting is to see KK box founders, L. and C. and this 2 young enprepeuner build their dream and working on their ideas, the interactive with them is totally different from M. and I knew J. can tell the difference too. see Na. at the presence is a good surprise too, since we lost contact 3 years ago, I wondering her where about, and now she is working at KKBox.

to provide this open opportunity to a young man is a good way of learning, if J. is mature and bright enough, today might be the harvest day to end his internship at our company.



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