
Sitting at the managers' meeting today, I caculated how many routine meeting on Monday morning, should be more than 100 times, this is a routine, the meeting time is getting shorter, form 3 more hours until now : 100 minutes, but this is routine, a chance for me to explore what's going on in this company, I check around the attendee, only me and COO didn't bring our laptop to the conference room, every managers stick to the screen in front of them and non-stop typing, maybe they all learn how to pay attention to 2 different objective at the same time, but, meeting together should be a interactive session among attendee, to share information and to provide comment if any, it is a routine now, a platform for me to know the business instead of a avenue for everyone to interactivly conduction business.

I don't mind, what scared me is " my life ", rotine occupied almost all my time, I received a funny file from EMBA classmate, the title is " a day in a life ", the slide is catogrolized by time flame and on the description column, it show the activity people conducted during that time zone ( for example, when the time zone is 7:30 am, the activity shall be wash you teeth and shave your face ), and using the branded product logo to replace the activity ( such as, moon from 12:00 , it show the logo of Caca-cola and McDonald ), this is a routine life and a " Global brand " dominate world ( I should use this concept to present my diary life when introduce me to YPO ), At the managers' meeting, I found my life of varies, alternative was only in the fantasy of movie, the movie I went lead me to the world that I enjoy, a world with no squre, no fence, no limitation, and no routines, how I enjoy movie and it become a hideaway in my wife, a wife I tried to escape. I hate routinem but I have to stay in routine, Movie become the perfect media bring me to the world that I dream of. how pity I am to live a world created by film producter. and be carefully, movie will cheat you always, the make up things, even what they said " based on the true stroy " that's the director's selected portion of turth, not the whole truth. evey camera have a limitions, to see from the foucs with the angle of 180%, close - up is the strogest fake, it represented the camaraman and director's willliness to prove, to you, the audience how to think and how to follow the leads drop by them.

Having my wife apply for a day leave for Sound, we had an appointment with the deam of Forest Primary School tomorrow morning, this scheduled interview will decided how he will grow in what system. Do I comfortable with this decision ? I don't know, what I know is Sound is a wild creature, he shall be release to a open space and enjoy what he want to learn. apply for this school is the only choice we can make in Taiwan.



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