
The most important issue today is the " brain storming " session to discuss what to be delivered at the semi-kick off meeting; we are 2 weeks from the meeting , 4 of us sit in the round table room and think hard about the " measurement ", this is my believe to deal with everythings with the " What you measure is what you get " " no measurement, no management ", we craft the session into 2 portion - the business side and non business side, as they are corralated each other, our people suggested to have a softer tone / sentemental voice to express the goal / budget to all the employee, especially in thie moment, we are entering a how turn over rate statue -- after 3 years of operation, how to keep the passion and to ignite the fire inside senior staff is the task We want to perform at the seme kick off; and to trace back a few mile stones sharing with new comers are the other purpose we wish to serve.

Keeping the faith and preaching for new height is the leader in the company must achieved, I told them this is a very tough job if we really want to please every one -- which is almost impossible in the real world, and how to influence people and gain more support from the meeting ? if we don't see through the future, how to convince our people we do have a bright future ahead ? how to welcome different opinion and voices from all corner of the company ? this is all about effective communication. Heading a company with more than 300 people in the office, you need to think more.

A. from Effen send me cartoons of snacks -- M and M chocolates and candy; we've been knowing each other for a decade, and the interesting part is we met each other in the same office building -- this is unbeliveable, I take my new job at the ISP and move to the office in NKSP, when I headed the music sector, we were at the Taipie Gas Tower, moving here, surprisely too see him as neighbors again. this creates a very interesting chemistry and he send me products from time to time.

It took me 30 minutes on the phone to explain to professor Shu why I can't take the teaching assignment this semester, he talked a lot, I tried to follow all the metaphore he samples, I thinks I solve 80% of the riddle, I made a defer promise to participate on next year, hopefully, the cross road will no longer bother me any more.



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