
Fear comes from 2 direction; one form the phycological approach, one from physical approach; when went to the movie with my wife last night for the second run, 2 titles for one price, to take this advange, we don't mind to spend time on the one we don't really interest, ' KOMA ' Is the thrill we sit for the first screening, I don't like horrow movie cause it don't bring me pleasant at all; my wife warn me to close my eyes and take sap in the theater; I began to think how " FEAR " Come and take the place in my heart. " reflection is the center of fear " come to my mind at begining, take a deep look at all the horrow movie, reflection from water, mirrow, car rear mirrow or anything can reflect the figures, will bring the shock to you; then I gradulty devleop it to " unknow is the center epic of fear ", because what we don't know , can not be analyised cause the fear from human's heart.

second direction of fear come form the body, went to bad late last night, when thinking of the physical check up tomorrow, the cold wind blow to me, I havn't been full body check up for decade, the stomach and intense examine will create uncomfortable reaction, thinking about it, My stomach began to twist, this is another fear poaching to me.

the managers' meeting today, we review the budget and the actural achievement, the gap is 30 % this month, the deepest so far, although Typhoon impact for 2 days, but the moat is getting bigger and the overall business will be very tough, people will be frustrated by didn't reach the target and enjoy non of the achievment, morale will defenitely been decrease. bringing small sccusee is the key to revitalize the company, but how to, the flexibility is getting slow and people are more and more inactive. this is a true challenge to management.



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