
Family lunch with Dr. Cheng on Sat. his wife have been knowing my wife for a while, they spoke over the phone, but didn't see each other until Sat. Dr. Cheng is s orthodology specilized doctor, we met the first time at a " Reading society ", then keep in touch for decade, whenever I have bone / muscle problem, I will go to him or refer my friend to see him. lunch at New Hama is more convenience to me, after the ping pong session, I simple tkae a shower and walk one floor up; this Sat. Sound come to the ping pong field with me, he always want to see his father playing, but I found he was non concentrate on it but playing with his " Game boy " all the time

Dr. Cheng bring his 2 kids to the lunch, we have Sound with us, to see children relate and react to each other is quite interesting, Sound smart enough to deliver a riddle which make one kid feel embarassed, he did it on purpose, the thinking and logic he demostrated really surprise adult like us.

Sat. night, we went for 2 art films -- " After midnight " an Italina movie , a film we can see how fasinated this director addicted to movies, lights / scence / sources of classical fims combine to a film which shown to those great film lover; the story is based on a love stroy, but the story itself wasn't much exciting.

" Swimming uptream " is an Australia film, based on a true story, it deals with family, father and son, mother and son, itimacy, child abuse and acoholic problems and of course a very hard working " Tony ", who won the Aus. swimming champaign but to free himself from home, to enroll in Harvard and win another life of his.

on our way to the theater, we stop by the glass shop , and I bought myself a new pair of glasses, glasse I wear have a magical power in my career, I know this is why my wife insist to buy me a new pair of glasses withoug saying why. after that, we taste the famous " Tai-Yi ice " the slice lice topped with red bean is my favorite.

Sunday evening, Miss Feng called and told me " Forest Primay School " now open to one vacancy, me and my wife were so exciting, but I am a little bit worried, a child of 8 to live alone in the mountain, a lot thing to take care before registration. I should make the call this morning.



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