
Bitten by the dog didn't really bothered me, what make me feel strange is how people react to a person who was bitten by a dog ? this laugh immediately, a instint reaction from every person who I informed, even the nurse in emergency treatment, I am not againt this reaction; but you know, if you are the victim, the reaction like this will bring you more upset.

" bad luck " was the second though coming from people you encountered with, " How come you are so .... " when you told me, the bites are more than one place, the dog bite me in 3 places, they " What " they laugh again; I am not purticularly interested in detect human nature, but as it happen to me, I am in the position to observe it closely; " Bad Luck " need to be washed away, calling home and arrange a temper worship on Sunday, simply for the heart comfort.

Last night after the dinner, sendin Dr. S, home and show him the wound dog left in my right leg, he suggest me to take a prevention injection -- the Mad Dog etc. originally I am not planning to go, as the Doctor said, when got home, asked my wife drove me to hospital -- Wen Fong , the ER in Wen Fong is very busy, one women commit suicide and under an emergency rescure, the check in desk advise us change place and imform us there only one doctor ( for trauma treatment ) on duty, this is strange, a public hospital , when meet with critical caring cases is short of doctor, we then drove to the biggest one, Natioanal Taiwan Medical Hospital, the ER treament is busy too, but it's more organized and the equipment there seems more professional, as this is the top norch hospital, we saw lots of emergency cases there, since my injection shot is a minor case, I have to wait for them to deal with those in critical caring, this is a perfect education experience for us, when seeing peopel in bad shape, you will fell unconfortable, when thinking of handling ill in positive attitude, then I realized it take a decent courage to perform it, not only by imagination, you have to be there , before it arrived, don't pretend to be braved, cause you never know.



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