
Love is the answer; just came back from the French movie " the choire " - the film talking about a rehibilitation school of abnormal behavior teenager, a teach how to use music as the medicine and bring those problem kid a new espect of life; as we know is is a " stroy ", but we were touched so much, why, because " Love is the answer ", eveyone know to use love as the tool can change a person entirely, but my question is : if we didn't shower with true love, how can we dilver the love to those who needed in proper manner ? the behavior correction house is totally different from the alternative education system -- when watching the movie, I knew what's in my wife's mind, the mis-behavior most come from a broken family and encouter with serious socialization problem, how to correct them should be different from how to educate them ; the I come up an assumption, I think those who beliver in " Human fisrt " and build the Forest Elementary School should follow the concpet of " No death panality ", because they all believe in human can be corrected and all believe that with care and love, things will getting better ; yes, this is experimental and this is a highly idea utopium; if what they beleive is true, then there won't be bad guy in the real world and then there won't be crimes; or, the cost of introduction such an idea eduction system is too hight, then people have to sacrifice from the real and curel world ?, no matter how condiderate you want to pretect next genaration or create a harmless environment, you can only control with a limitation, the encounter in the real world will come to you ultimately, no matter you like it or not; socialization is the process for preparing yourself to the world you can't escape.

I like the phase " whenever there a action, there is a reaction " this is quote from Fast Company; Last Friday night, Life -- the documentary film offically open in the therater, I was invited to the opening again, this is the 4th time I watch this film, the emotional level is getting lower, this is the marginal effect, I think those who sit beside me will find me instablily seated in the chair, I love the ending discussion, those powerful VIP delivered the message so deep and clear, their words are the best endosement to the film, I am glad to see what I choose to support win the first round, the the Sunday morning explored more, on Sat. all the seats are full , a lot of people want to see it but no seats avalibale, now the tipping point is reached, the word of mouth is spread out and the deed have been served.

Tonight before the movie, I simply said to my wife that for the last 6 months, no achievement knock on my door, I feel depressed and in low spirit, she undersand it, this is the short message we exchanged before the movie; movie is the only and best remendy to swift my foucs, it gave me new story and new experience, and it is the shelter for my soul escaping. is this good or bad ? I don't know.



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