
Mid-Autumn Festival ( High-Moon festival ) wasn't special in our family, in Taiwan, it tranformed from moon cake holiday to BBQ holiday, in the early evening, you can see almost all the family prepare their BBQ gedget and raw meat / sea food / vege for the gathering, not all of them have their own garden, in Taipei, apartment is the standard living style, the scene of BBQ in Taipei is interesting, they cook by the entrace of the apartment , cook in the belcony; we were lucky, there's a high moon last night, according to the news, the brightest moon come by 9:09 pm, we were walking in the hill toward our house after the funny movie " Doogle ball ", the comedy is really funny, me and my wife can't help laughting in the theater.

Sound had 4 days holiday at home, his old habit come back to visit him, we found that it's really hard to change a man's personality, we take it naturally, as we have to commit to the prinspal of Forest Primary School, " No beaten, No yelling, No threaten ", he is too stunbon to be altered. anyway, as Forest accept him, we hope at least it leave a back door for Sound to shower with the free air.

Finishing reading the draft of " Meet till Death " , as I promist to write the prelude for the Chinese translation, it take me less than 4 hours to finish reading, yesterday moring, I done the first CEO chat at the top floor reading room as well, since I graduated from NTU, I seldom spending time there, this is a new value creation process, I am glad that I finally pick up my time for business, after complete the first episode, I create a Chinese weblog to publish it, as I welcome all the feed back and looking forward to any comment, to post in on one weblog is the most convinience way; this moring, I published some of my previous article to the newly created site too, I am happy to see 3 site for CEO.

Feel like having the Shuchung spicy noodle for lunch and don't want to eat alone, I invited 3 managers to join me for the lunch, then follow with a coffee break with sales manager, he is in a deep thought of changing his management style, trun a nice person to a demanding one, he need my advice about this planned dramatic change, my answer is simple " the realtionship for superior and soubodinate is base on the achievment of mission " , a military credo I quoted from my previous supervior, he appreciate my postivive attitude to his insight, I told him this is the second year for him stay in the sale function, he must tried very possible way to grow and to obtain the experience before moving on to his next goal; coffee break is nothing but a coach to my mangers.

EC meeting is anothe big topic today, the associate manager P. is crying for help, me and COO spend our time with them to do our clinic for the new platform and to review the performance, I will love to grand my help to this new initative, but not to perform as a loyal customer, but an adviser to improve the product line up, finding the need from our potential customer and to allocation marketing resource to help building it's presence.

busy in preparing the prelude, first draft come out in last evening, I need to touch upon the wording polishing before send it over, any word print in the frist page of a book is a iron evidence , I must response for what I wrote.



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