
I took day off on Monday, it make my away form office for 5 days including weekends, in the morning, me and my wife pick up one Russian movie " Luna Papa ", an dramatic artistic film which make us quite touched, by noon, we pick up Sound at his school and brought him to Pizza Hut, his favorite restaurant, after the meal, family accompany me to the optical shop where I adjusted my eye glasses; the good part for the evening is bringing Sound to Zoo Mall, a mall next to the zoo developed 2 years ago, in the mall, there's a mini size amusement park provide some attractions, I took Sound there and bought us 2 tickets; Sound is very much enjoy the attraction , especially the roller coaster sort of speed and gravity games, I am not into those attraction since 20 something, but, can't reject Sound's please, I took 2 games with him, we spent 2 hours there; after the zoo mall tour, we went to Sheng-Keng old street, sheng keng located south of the zoo, not very far away, it was famous for it's Taofu, we took some, bought some rice dumpling and go back home by 6 o'clock pm, for the last 3 days, I take kids all over the place.

Yesterday, we went to Tamsui by noon, as routine, we visited the " Black shop " for pork rib rice, again, it was as delicious as before, but this time in Tamsui, I suggested a new route, visit the TamKang High School, when I was a student in Tamsui Oxford College, the high school didn't open for tourist, I remembers the only 2 opportunity we got chance to take a glace of the school was , one our orientation course, second our graduation creamery, but, the campus is so beautiful, so when I brought Martin here last time, I always thinking of coming back again, this time, with the whole family, a great experience, when approaching the school gate, first impression to you is the bird singing, so many birds in the tree singing the welcome tone, tall and old trees, building with history, Dr. MacKay is one of the pioneer who take the church mission to Taiwan and building more than 60 churches in Taiwan, establish the first Female school, the pre-Tamkang high school, sit in the school of one hundred year old , listen to the bird sing and reading books, we had a great time in the early afternoon; Be-Teng is another science spot we went after Tamsui, we stay there for about a hour and decided to go to Keelung for night market food, it was a compulse but not well considered idea, we decided to leave our car at the MRT car part then take the bus to Keelung, the bus came around 6 pm, we arrived at 7:30, done a quick night market tour for an hour, when plan our return trip. we found there's hundred of people line up for the return bus, we were shocked, I make a quick change and bring the family to Taipei first, then transit by an taxi to Beteng, we were lucky to be home by 10 pm. this is an exhausted but fun Sunday,

Saturday was a gathering day with military friend, Mr. Wu and Mr. Liau, we were buddy since 20 more years ago, at that time, we are all singles , went for varies missions and exercises couple of times, this made us the best friend since, we see each other not so often, but keep in a good loop, Saturday, we choose to meet up as another military brothers' restaurant, Mr. Kauo's Brother's restaurant in Chingsheng, we talk and eat, of course, the best Taiwanese cuisine offered is Mr. Kauo's Brother Restaurant. Mr. Wu is retire from the military and now work in one private high school as the administration chief, we are thinking to have Fruit study in his school in 2 years, so, we ask a lot of the questions, Fruit was not sure if she love this idea, but on the way to Keelung, we talked about this idea and exchanged some opinion, it seems she is OK with this suggestion, and this is the first time I found my daughter is a mature individual I can share with, she is not an unreasonable little girl any more, she even share with me how she make friend with the classmate in school and told me on the first day of her fifth grade class, she try to know everybody ( female ) and finally make friend with all of them, then she will choose one among them to be her ' best friend ", I realized that I can't no longer point her finger or punish her as she already turn to be a semi-adult. time fly, time really fly.

when eating in Chenshange, I told Mr. Wu I don't like the eyes ( looks ) from his son and advise him to pay more attention to him, Mr. Wu told me they are quite concert about this young man, the only thing they can do now is spend more time with him, seeing him to Taipei every weekend, I don't like it because I notice some evil from his eyes, I been communicate with young generation for a while, my professional expertise told me he will be a trouble for them.

Thursday and Friday, I was invited to a " Communication Industry Annual Elite party ", this is the 4th gathering hosted by the Industrial Beaurea of MOEA, we were put in one of the best golf resort -- Tashe for 2 days, quite interesting, the best part is the dinner , where they took the chance to conduct a farewell party for President of formal Communication University, Mr. Deng Chin Fu , the produced a short film to introduce this gentleman and how he was respected as the father for Taiwan mordent communication development, I know everyone's touch by this arrangement, a well designed farewell.