
My wife make up her mind, she decided to be the friend ( not best friend yet ) of Fruit, she worked out almost everyday and developed friendship with other mothers at the health club, women's talk cann't live without beauty, man and family, children is a good topic to start any conversation, one lady told her a true story about her daughter, this change her mind, she had a talk with Fruit and they now will try their best to be friends.

Chin-shung came back from China, he called and said we may see each other sometimes. he who is my best friend in junior high now establish his career in China, overheard that he was devoice and re-marry a Chinese girl; we were so closed when I was young, graduate from Junior High, I went north to attend the entry examination in Taipei, some of my classmate stay at home town and enrolled in the high shool where they persue junior high education; life is Taipei is colorful, I am half stranger in high school, whenever it comes long vavation such as summer or winter holidays, I will ask my mon to let me visit junior high classmate in the south, and staying at Chin-Shung's house, in the subver of Diao-liu, a farmer's villa, there, a lot of unforgetablt memory grows, especially where my puppy love take place and the story of how I mess with the alcohol and quit drinking after the terribel experience. his re-marry keep me hesitate contact with him, but the classmate reunion gain back the connection, he said that kids had a dream is to visit the Taipei Zoo, hoping he may complete it this time, I can host the family and return the favor his family give me when I was young.

weekday movie is another experience. only 6 in the cimena enjoy " League of extradinary gentelmen ", it's a so-so film to me, read article from some review and know the budget for filming Seabiscuit is up to 80millions US, includine buying 50 race horce for filming. a great movie but it seems won't justify the investment.

Spend my coffee break with C. our new HR head, when she on board, we just planning a termination action toward her direct supervisor, she had to perform the execution together with COO, a tough and unthinkable action to a new member, last coffee break, I subtlely smooth her tention, this time, she seems more comfortable working in the office, I told her the statebilty of a HR head will gradulately letting people in the company feel relax and steady, so, she shall be the stone in the ceter, this is to affirm her stay with us; by developing intimate little by little, she is willing to share her opinion and idea which a HR specilist shall perform.