
This is to sum up my life for last 2 days, I went for the movie " Seabusicuit " when returning form Tsaoling -- a mountain villa located in Central-southern Taiwan, a great movie , as most of the stimulating movie, this one is no exception, thanks to my illiteracy to Modern American History and the Horse Racing, so, when I learned this is rewritten from a true story, I am touched even before go into the cinema; I bring my wife to Dioliu for the classmate reunion on the 27th -- a 30 years anniversary when we enrolled in the Chen Shin junior high school, it's so difficult to start it, the turn out wasn't impressive -- in total 17, I am upset to receive called on the morning of 27th when someone said he could not make it -- I don't mind it's a " no show " or " absence notice in advance ", but this is really aperture, the angry get over me when handling the conversation with the guy, then I am relaxed, as least, I have a great reason not to continue seeing him, the harvest from the gathering is find the candidate for next years' reunion -- Fun-chin chen is so full of passion, we are glad that I am not the only person excited about it, as this is my top 10 resolution in year 2003, I finally made it; the gathering lunch took about 3 hours, what I need to follow is redo the contact list and make sure the communication is going on.
as Sep.28 is our 15th wedding anniversary, so I booked the villa up in the mountain, there's no high quality hotel in Diaoliu, so from the internet, I identify this so called " SPA villa ", we order one taxi to Tshioling, when arriving at the hotel, we have doubt about it's quality, we are right about it. the bed sheet left some human hair, pillow is humid and wet, room is small, the in room spa facility was locate in the balcony; the room price 4800, it's very high, but forget it, we only here for a peaceful night; change our cloth, we take a walk around the street and this is where we obtain our education about 1999 921 earthquake -- we walked by one pedestrian and find 2 momentum which describe the tragedy happen to the Lo family who were killed by the earthquake in 921, the total 5 lo families were survive 7 and lost 29 of their relatives, the earthquake also change the shape of the mountain, they called it " Walking Mountain " it felled to 490 something meter from original 1100 meter height; after 4 years. I don't see any recovery of the tourist business, we stop by one of the local restaurant and order some local flavor, the only good thing we get in Tsailing was getting a very good sleep -- we went to bed before 9:00 pm and sleep until 7 in the morning, the wedding anniversary is a set of eating, we ate local Diaoliu delicacy to Taipei vendor to She Ta night markets. This marks our 15 years anniversary..