
Iwas invited by BMG to deliver a speech on Sunday for their mid / up management, as a veteran of music industry and now working in the telecom / internet sector, they asked me to talk about the future of music industry; any industry worried about their future tend to seeking advisors' insight to reflect on their uncertainty; I am not very please to talk about " future " or ' strategy " as it is too conceptive and won't do any good for them, so, I come out with an adjusted subject " The future of music business as we know today ", they held this training session in " Sunrise " Golf Club, it took one and a half hour for me to go there, so, I decided to bring my family with me and take this opportunity to enjoy some local scenes; along the highway, I played the boy duo’s cover, listen to 4 artist who we sign 4 years ago when I was the music company head , but never got a change to release their albums, my wife asked who they are and do appreciate the songs they sing.
this is my habit to tell " present tense " when opening any speech, I unveil with 2 points : sunshine, driving, breeze and holiday always accompany with good music -- this is what the boy due and REO Speed wagon provided ; 4 great talent with no release, this is the cure fact happen in the world of entrainment -- we failed a lot of people's dreams; in a business of create hype and hope, we failed 94% of them. I spend entire 3 hours with them, 2 hours for the speech, one hour chatting during the lunch; the speaker's compensation is no bad -- I was rewarded for 10,000 NT. so, I buy the family a good seafood dinner, after the speech, K drove us to Nai-Liao fish port, a now developed tourist fish port in Shin-Chu, it is so windy, we strolled in the fish market for half an hour and find ourselves a great sea food restaurant and enjoy the fleshes; after Nai-Liao, we took the west beach highway home, accidentally, we drove by another fish port - Yun-An, we stop by as well, it is dark already, a rainbow-colored bridge ahead of us, Yun-An is under a transforming process and aiming to become another tourist fish port, we stayed for another 30 minutes then drove back home.

Monday morning is the International Business Alliance opening ceremony, we were begged to present at TICC, the organizer is so bad, I could not get my badge and hardly permit to entry the venue, no reception for local foreign company, no seating arrangement and no encountering session, I am a little bit disappointed, if we were asked to fill the venue, we may send the company receptionist here instead of us, after President Chen deliver his excellency speech , I exist myself out of the venue, and found, a lot of guest do the same thing I did; lunch with Ben and know that his freshman daughter do enjoy Lee-Hom's concert and leave a great impression about him, well, I told him may turn her dream come true by end of this month if Lee Hom keep his promise and visit our office then, I will inform and invite her daughter and provide opportunity for them to take picture together, it's easy for me to do this but a lot of people can't fill it or feel it, as the VP of BMG asked my during the lunch yesterday why a lot of people in the music industry developed a very bad personality, my answer to her is , people surround super artist tend to building walls between artist and the real world, asymmetric and unbalance information create a room for margin or profit, this is the fat they want to keep it with them. Artist life cycle is so limited, they tent to take as much as they can while they can, this is the jungle rule, you can't avoid yourself.

ETB news conduct an interview with me in the afternoon, I think I made a good response to the TV news, hopefully, within these few days, it will traveling again, John called an invite me to a Royally speech on Nov. 18, I am honored to take this opportunity, John is a very successful business leader who just made his company a public listed company and was elected as the model of young entrepreneur in Taiwan, a nice and gentle person.

Dinner with Wu, my pre-college institution associate, we were best friend then and knowing each other quite well, I pick the restaurant " ko ", he buy the dinner, we enjoy 2 hours conversation with great food, I am planning to go down to Cha-Yi with him one day and stay at my classmate's MOTEL once.

Showl. reply my mail and called, yes, there's a chemistry and I think she will be a good bridge for me to build consultancy platform in China, I would like to buy her lunch whe she go up to Taipei this coming Wed.

" Rumble Jungle -- the countdown " is a very entertaining movie, my wife didn't expect it will be an exciting movie, we do enjoy the 100 minutes of action and fun, leave earlier on Friday making us room for another gathering, we can casually go out for dinner , then go to a movie and sleep deeply till the late morning, it seems like we have extra holidays, I may need to take it more often.

Saturday noon, our ping-pong team get together for a " Champaign lunch " hosted by Sam -- the second tournament Champaign, Osking choose a sea food restaurant which name it after one special dish " the squid rice noodle ", the restaurant provide flesh fish direct from Peng-HU- an off shore island in northern Taiwan, the fish is so flesh, we ate is as kid and forget all the table manner,

Saturday afternoon, Teach Tseng brought Raymond to my home , we did get acquainted soon and build the friendship, Raymond is a decent and nice young man, we did share a lot of industry future -- he is in the telecom sector as well, I will like to introduce him to friend / associate I know and help him build his presence in Taiwan.

This is for the last 4 days.