
we pick up KPMG as the agent for our change management action, the restructure of our organization is for re-allocate our manager and deploy correct resource to the new business we are heading, when taking the kick off meeting, consultants from KPMG put out a list for collecting our financial information, as the purpose for analyze the financial performance is to calculate the productivity of our people, we do raise our question about this measurement, as in service industry, fix cost and manpower is huge, until the economy of scale reached, the pay off won't be easy to see, for example, if we measure the growth of subscriber , then the same amount of employee can service double even triple of our clients with the same investment of fix assets, but without the initial investment, we can't serve even one customer, so, we discussed with them and try not to miss-leading the examine of our organization and produce an incorrect organization chart, I will seat on an interview tomorrow, what concern me is :

1. do we have decent manager and qualified team in OS to perform the task for next year and year after ? since this is critical to our growth if ISP is in stagnate situation.
2. How to retain best of the best managers in our organization and place them in the growth position and motivate them to do more ?
3. overall quality of our existing managers and review the weakness of each one before redesign the organization.
4. take off one key managers role and relocate him to an non-administrative position.
5. balance marketing resource and direct it to the new direction for company growth.
6. Fit the overall business direction for the years to come.

I participated on the discussion panel yesterday for the subject of " Shall Taiwan build the national pop music arena ? " I am happy to meet a few old friend there, Shefone who is now obtain her global reach for promotion Asia music to Europe, Robin talk the same after all the years in IFPI, Denver still alive, Kang Hui chang his battle ground but keep his foot in the music field, young promoter, venue owner and artist Freddie is a good example for new ear of pop music , who knows how to promo the new music, survive themselves and keep the faith on what they are doing -- don't be shame of being an alternative artist, this is the value in the old Chinese mind, you can do any job, but to be a rock star before reach fame and fortune, you will be punished -- by your friend, your society and your parent, because they will put you in the category of mistrial, unsuccessful, pitiful people; it's no fun to play music anymore, what Freddy mentioned is a true value system, what we perceive from our society. the discussion last for about 3 hours, after it, I had a chance to take a shore coffee with Shefone, I almost forget I was the one to make her first dream come turn back to 1997 when the tree ( the label she established ) come to me and present a proposal of doing alternative music ( not so call " underground " ) in Taiwan, I was impressed about her courage and believe, so, I have an OK for this distribution deal , then we jointly release album such as " Beijing Opera " " Taiwan Aboriginal Music " " Beatle Nut brothers ", something you do you thought it's simple, but it create an significant impact on the people around you and it influence them in the future, maybe I did something like that, I forgot most of them and didn't take credit for it, once they remember or mention about, I feel proud, this is my feeling when having coffee whit Chefone yesterday.