
2003-11-18 我們敬愛的成道學老師,聖名伯爾納德,於主曆2003年11月5日上午在河北省石家莊附近因車禍喪生,蒙主寵召,享年七十六歲。家人已將遺體護送回老家濟南,且於10日下午彌撒後火化,11日上午由家人護送回台。謹定於11月19日(星期三)下午三時,假台北市新生南路二段五○號聖家堂,舉行追思彌撒。

This is the news shock me right now, Mr. Chen is one of the inspiration to me and all the junior high school students. it recalled me of the young days when Mr. Chen standing in front of the school isle welcoming everyone in the early morning, it remind me of 2 important event he introduced to us : the volunteer long walk for charity donation and reminder card for mother's day; latest message was he promote the our of the modern day hermits purify camp in Yang-liao decade ago; the accident took his life and leave me a great sorrow; to be honest, student don't like him very much then, until graduation and mature, we little by little know his missionary spirit and how he try to set role model and influence people... shall I share it with someone? yes, I should.