
when receiving my wife's call after the 3rd re-treat from the hospital, I feel release, her eyes didn't cause big problem and our life can back to normal now; I was sitting on the strategic meeting, this is the routine we did every quarter, at the strategic meeting, we normally choose one hotel , book the conference and spend the entire day there, for the first few sessions, we often running until very late, like 11 pm something and continue following day, thanks to the learning curve and smart staff we have, recently, the strategic finished by 9 pm, we deal a few key element for the quarter issue, such as a very brief recap on past quarter achievement, mainly on sales and marketing side and a bird's eye view to the market, then run into the next quarter pre-planning, from market, product to sales target setting and build the consensus for everyone in the meeting room, we start the strategic meeting from a very small group, 3 to 4 key executive, then extended to all the manager today, the routine became a very important session for company operation, we form the foundation and build the ground and guideline for everyone to follow, the result from the strategic meeting is what we called the " CE DIAGRAM " -- Concurrent engineering diagram, a blue print for bringing idea into action and to assign project owner at the same time. afterward, we will follow with a monthly 2 hours strategic meeting session to do the " house keeping " -- check what's been done, what's been move and how far we are compare with the target we set before; this plan, check, do, review session took us to a well managed statue and I am a little bit off hand these day, today is special, when receive the " I am ok " call, I feel like running home and escape from the meeting, when the worm of mind moving, I slightly change my mind and urge my drive to pick my up after lunch and leave my afternoon with my wife and the great movie " Lord of the ring - return of the king "

I love the film so much, for first and second, we ( me and my wife ) were the first few to rush to theater for the screening, so, I can't wait to see the ending episode, I miss in on last Saturday, cause too many people in line and I don't really want to finish my movie by 3 in the morning, so, this Monday afternoon become my day escape with my wife; poetic and full of humanity as before, I am a little bit lost when follow the screen, I think of how a man can making a non-realistic film so touch and so real and make you believe human do compass themselves with loyalty, love, friendship and sacrifice spirit; I also think about the life after death, or the next life, if death is not the end of the day, but only a path to somewhere unknown, then the pain before death is a trial or test for everyman, this is not the end, I wondered how this idea developed from my heart, maybe because this is a movie talking about a fiction, and it drove me to think of life after , then the line " We have to go to war, but not necessary win " kept me thinking for a while, this is very much a marther thought, people choice what they believe and die for it, revolution in the history of human did explained it, another human gesture which I need to digest. Friendship is the most impressive part in the movie, Sam and Frando, so truth and so touching, sure, we love the ending, evil been conquered by the justice, human regain the world and the good guy became the king who married a loving lady. like all the fairy tale, we love this one particularly; this is an epic, the film will make itself a history of the movie, generation later, I believe young guy will talking about it, Peter Weil, who spending more then 5 years to make this film will carve his name in the history of movie industry.

This part it about Allen,

I met Allen via a friend -- Miss Fan back to 10 more year ago, when doing my first production and management firm, one of my main business domain is to agent for overseas production for artist / producer from Taiwan to LA, this first case was doing Stella Chang's album " Sunshine in California ", as this is my first case and my first production arrangement in LA, I asked Fan introduce me her friend in LA, it turn out to be Allen -- an contemporary artist and art critic in LA, without further introduction I called him and check if he is fine to be our local advisor, he said no problem , so we met in LA, a gentle and bright man Allen is, I hardly remember what favor we asked from him, what left in my mind still was when the production come to an end, we extend a few days stay in LA, a bonus for artist doing overseas production and an extra holidays for record label staff, since Allen who is an artist and know almost everything in contemporary art, so, we asked him to show us around and introduce us to art, and sunny day, the appointment were made, we went to MOCA, Design Center and Allen be the art guide explain to us who the artist it and what's the important step he or she did in the era of contemporary Art, teach us how to appreciate the art form various of obstruct form, I remember asked him 2 silly questions ( when you have your first encounter with Modern Art and you had an expert who won't laugh at you, you better ask as many stupid question as possible ), first is : I think I can do exactly the same as those artist did -- no skill to me, I said , the reply from Allen was : Yes, you can, but it's imitation or copy, not primitive form or origin of the creativity , second question is : how to value one modern art piece, especially for decorated arts? how you know " How much " you can justify your appreciation by convert it to dollar ? the answer from him is : this is difficult, you need a middleman / broken ( they call it agent or gallery owner ) to promo your artistic origin before there's a market price; my second time to LA, was with Terry ( Ukulele ) with the same purpose -- production co-work with David Foster, and my wife was with me, we met again, and a great modern art tour , other then the art education, we talked a few more , buying meal for each other when seeing in different places, I remember visiting him house in LA once before he move to San Francisco. as he is the key for me to open the door for new form of art, I began appreciate new art and put myself in some learning by accident situation, I bought a few of his books, go to some gallery / exhibition, collect some contemporary works, I received his greeting cards from time to time, I gradually know his sex orientation, but it doesn't shock me at all, as I was in the field of entertainment, I understood how he feel and how sensitive he is, then I read his story little by little until 2 weeks ago when walking to Eslite book store in Tun-nai, that's the day I accompany my wife to her second after eyelid surgery re-treatment, it was a Monday morning, as Eslit open for 24 hours, so, I wait my wife there, strolling to the magazine session, seeing art magazine periodical with his big picture on cover and the headline of " In memory of Allen Chang ", I feel something bad happen to him, rush to buy one and sit on the small cafe outside Eslite, I found he was passed away in October ( or August ) due to lump cancer, I feel so sad as I treat Allen as my teacher to modern art and we know each other but I knew nothing about his death, check all the article inside, what people talked about him is so fresh to me; I have a very strong emotion to writing something about him and mail it to the art magazine, but I didn't do it, as I wrote down my impression and encounter with him, there's not enough material for me to share with others, as I know his last wish is to establish a foundation helping children like him -- grow poor but with talent of art, I will check how I can do for that, be part of his friend and to fulfill part of his dream

Wind Training

Last Friday, I give a full day training for Winds Record, an independent record label who surviving in Taiwan for 15 years and made themselves an unique entity in the music scene, as this is my first time to conduct a grand training for a group of 33, so, I prepare it for very long time and consider varies situation , as training for a day wasn't a easy job for any one, especially for me -- an armature trainer, so, I do design a very informative, interactive, interesting seminar, by end of the day, I know almost every one in content with the day.

I shall collect and reassemble all my speech file and make it a " teachable material ", consultancy / training is a good an balance road map for me in next 5 years, I shall take it seriously if this is a right choice for me.