
Visit Tan on Wed. morning and send some paper money for him, counting the days, it's 7 and half year since he passed away, the thrine adminstator told us ( me and my wife ), almost no one visit him these years, as his mother is aged and incapabble to walk long distance, so, we become the only one visit this old friend.

in the afternoon, I accompany 2 kids study their home work, they improve at scale, Sound finish his homework in one hour, Fruit pass her KK test due to my rehears and pre-examination.

Thursday morning, I went for EEG examain and neck vine exam for the prevention of mid-age killer -- high blood presure cause stroke, the test took me 2 hours , following is a visit to old friend A-Li, this is a long story to explain me and A-li, we knew each other when I was in the army, said 20 more years ago, thanks for the army momurmore which link us tighter and tigher, he was appointed as the captain of the service team for army exercise judgy panel, and I was asked to join him as the deputy, so, we were out for 2 weeks , day and night, after all, we kept in same military department which sustanin our friendship even stronger, we keep this friendship until now, and should be for good.

Wife call and told me Sound get his first No. 1 in class final performance , she was very exciting, this is indeed a good news to us as we decided not to transfer him to private school, we need to be sure his current teacher won't lable him and he have no hurdle in learning in current education system.

this morning, we are planning for Kenting, Sun is coming, shall be a happy holiday for the family, we shall celebrate Sound's birthday tonight, we will lift the ban for not allowing Sound watching movie as well, it's one month's panalty after the accidentally injury causes to Chin-Yuang.