
Levi want to be heard, at age of 39, a street musician and the elder son of Vice Minister of National Defense, well put all this together is a compelling story; East meet West is the ideal for lot of art form, music is one of them, it sells, but niche and only, it's hard to copy and been well accepted; Levi is trying a hard way to his dream, but, all the artist had his agenda, I am the " Retired " veteran in the music business to provide my limited knowledge; sometimes, the more you know and deliver will bring down the person with enthusiasm in the art field; the less they knew, the brave they are; in the business of capture your dream, can't be limited, can't be squared, can't be threaten.

Mr. Chen is quite a nice person, he support his son in front of him, support him for a decade to be a street performer, traveling in the Stated and Europe, it proved nothing but the love of a father, we spend almost 3 hours discuss Levi's next steps, yes. like in clinic, I consulate his idea -- Levi is talkative and good in communication, first find a label or manger who understand his music and appreciated it ( the instrumental vocal -- according to him ), assemble a team behind the production, and schedule his promotion after putting out the album; his dream partner, producer of U2, Clive Davis, Santana maybe, some idea of marketing collaboration. I will help in making connection with people I know, but no guaranty. I don't like to be trapped in music again.

The conversation with EXX was only "ok ", they filling my resume by asking some trivial and detail question, the person who greet me was not professional, she don't really know how to handle the conversation; the potential, a company in start up statue , have a goal to list in NASDAQ, have a replacement plan for CEO, my interpretation is they are seeking someone in low salary bring them to the stock market and transform to a financial gain, my wife is right about the " you don't have a history with they, how they can take your brain without paying you enough for trading ", I will not continue the conversation, will kindly turn down on Friday. this is the first step toward the next venture searching, I shall be more aggressive, I need a time table to complete the searching on time.