
Sharing my experience with Marketing manager about the growth under pressure, as her dept. may go through a high turn over period, for a new and young manager, the challenge is a early gift for her, as I told her in high presure, a condensed growth will come in fast pace, don't escape from it and see all the challenge a power to grow, then her capibility to handle the dept. will increase significantly; the stroy I told her is in the music days, when promote to Managing Director and facing the difficulty of keeping talent while your previous superior ( now a compeititor ) allinace with your key R and D head ( the terminology in music industry is A and R ) trying to steal the super star from your roster; how I survived from this difficulty and win the respect among industry and become the real industry leaders; it reflected to how we see obstacles as the growth driver and facing the challenge and never withdraw; my encougerment to marketing manger is to have her believe we are in her side and she can overcome all these challenges in short and become a great manager in the compnay.
A celebration lunch with M. to congradulate on her post-probation , she is now a respected Finance and Administration manger in our company, I pick the restaurant in the buliding 101, you know what ? I met with people every where, after lunch, I take the opportunity to buy a liuli for Mr. Lu who promoted to Conerl of Chinese Army, in the shopping hall, I came across Alex, the guy who should reply my call 2 weeks ago and Mr. Chung, the primary high school student who brought his family to do a window shopping and now in the Liuli store, hey, I am not so popular, but how come I meet people everywhere ?
Check our IDC in S. a building familier yet stranger, should I WORK here ? the equipment we located here cost tens of millions, A. our engineer introduce us the function of each equipment and this is the first time M. get to feel the asset of a telecom company.
I receive a call from Regent Ping Pong club, they've schedule a tourment on Sunday, I will be one of the key player, well, I love too and will try my best, how interested to put on my team uniform and fight the good fight in the table.



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