
Today is the continue celebration of MAB series, lunch for family , my father insist to book Sun Tai Tenpenyaki for this family celebration, although I've been there once and didn't really impressed by it's cuisine, but for the good will of elder, wife tole me to obey this decison, we are the first customer to the restaurant, " Health cusine " is what the restaurant promoted, chef must leaned lots of " cooking with health " sore of training, not only to prepeare a decent food but to impress all the customer what they eat and how ingredient the digested; this must be the first time I saw my wife eating meat, accoriding to what she said after the meal, this is the biggest porting of meat she ate ever; she is not happy with the price , too expensive, compare with Fu Yaung or New Hama, we may enjoy a lot more.
Dinner hosted by Professor Chuang, we ( me and my wife ) were invited to had dinner at his place, this is an interesting invitation, as normally, the student should pay tribution to his advisor and treat them with good meal, but we are doing the other way around, I remember 3 years ago when NTU announce it's final list for EMBA entrance examination result, Professor Chuang call me in the morning and greeting me and my wife with a meal, now righ after the graduation ceremony, we were invited again, a rare and prestiguous honor to me. this is not a feeling of how good the food it, but a inimacy bulid between 2 family, I appreciate this honor and would like to keep the friendship.
The Habbis dressing do cause the media attention, all the news today related to the NTU EMAB Gratudaliton Ceremony, my photos were posted, I keep it as a good memory. a momory to prove that I am the MBA now. so what's next ?



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