
This is the lette I wrote to COO for supporting the " Live " -- finding the new Taiwan Spirit.
As I roughly mentioned to you days ago, the project which gathering elites ( you may interpreted as man with passion ) from all walks of life in Taiwan to smooth the tension between parties and races is graduate come to a functional dimension; we are going to focus on one documentary film " Working title 「Life 」 " to support the after 921 trauma in the heart of Taiwanese people.
「 Life 」 is a documentary taken from the 1999 921 earthquake, Director Wu spent 3 years in middle Taiwan -- Nanto county where the earthquake hit the most and filming the rebirth ( physically and mentally ) of people there who lost their home, property and family, this is a very true and compelling story , Hochen together with AJ ( CEO of Accon technology ), Lin Hwai Ming ( Founder of Cloud gate dance group ), Mrs. Fan Chuang Liu ( Vice Minister of Ministry of Education ) and other elites initiative a campaign to support this documentary and at the same time highlight the new Taiwan Spirit after 921; you may not know, documentary film maker live in low life and try their best to present the angle and fact which they think should benefit to mankind and its environment, they don't equip with financial foundation neither commercial experience; we -- the group with no name yet are going to grant out help personally and if possible -- influence the industry we come from to participate on this meaningful campaign.
After a few discussion with the core members and director Wu, I invited Perry, Michael, Connie and Vincent to volunteer support this activity -- of course, it will take up 5% of there time in office operation from now to end of Aug. I personally asked their comment and encourage them to see the preview documentary before making this decision, the only 2 person I didn't asked for support from the top are you and Sabrina ( Connie's superior ). Perry have come out with a brief plan to show So-net's willingness to support 「 Life 」, basically, it will be designed as an online promo event and leverage our in-house resources ( art work , bandwidth, e-marketing, e-promo, members , reward , retention mechanism ), the cash sponsor will be minimized to 300 sponsorship tickets in theater( pricing at 150 NT each ), I will attached the draft plan written by Perry for your reference.
Here is the idea which I might need your support at this point:
1. The documentary film company -- Full shot foundation, is a Non Profit Organization, they come up with a wish list to borrow 2 of our projector to be used for out call broadcasting, I am thinking if we can convey the message to Both Takinaga-san and Inayoshi-san and donate it to the foundation, then it will be a great contribution from Sony to the land / love of Taiwan. ( I will have Perry check the model first, then let you know )2. Review the attached file and let me know if the plan scale and resources deployment is OK with you.3. Bring your wife to the movie once it release on Sep.
Any question, please let me know. I want to " Do something" for this land and to bring back the harmony of people in Taiwan, no matter which party they support. once you have a comprehensive understanding, I will asked Perry to follow the procedure submit the plan and obtain resources among dept. involved. Thanks in advance.
Best Personal Regards

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