
The debut CEO Chat letter send out just now, in order to stimulate the feed back, I put an incentive on the last portion of the questionairs -- 2 VIP tickets for Jay Chou's concert on Sat. evening, it works, the first one send back his repsone 2 minutes after receiving my weblog, no wonder the on line auction will be so popular, there are good hands in our company too; to publish a monthly news letter is an abligation and complusory for me now, as the URL will always be there, I can't be lazy and should be prepared for any comments; this is a brand new way to bulid the communication platform with our employees.

Iunch with VP of engineering dept. and follow with a coffee, I come up with 5 major areas which he should be focus :
1. upgrade and purchasing network equipment to stablize our service quality.
2. build up the co-location / bandwidth new business together with sales team.
3. Identify the new requirement from non ISP business to survey the qualified equipment to be installed.
4. review and revise the maintainace budget to be close to reality.
5. delegate and authorize to managers for routine job and make himself available for new technology deployment in the company.

this will keep him busy for a while before thinking too much on the non-business climate.

coffee with senior manager of Call center is good too, I attended the CIC orientation this morning, this is a well-craft, well design and planning orientation, 2 of the supervisor put the efforts on it and make it an impressive one; think and think is the ulimate method to bring good result, I am proud of them. the converstaion with Sr. Manager is health, she is an ambitious person and owned her kindom of call center - a place with more than 100 staff and regulate on their prinspals, I am fine and happy to see an atonomy entity in our organization, and I am very happy to see how this dept. build their culture and maintain it on every action. again, this is a think before you leap philosophy.



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