
The parent day event conducted excellent yesterday afternoon, we arrived by 2:30 pm, 30 minutes ahead of time, I urge my wife to sit in the car with me and have a distance observation of Sound, as he was playing in sand pot with other students, then we witness the quarrel and fighting, Sound wrestling with a boy in yellow shirt, pulling sand each other and the retaliation Sound put to the boy is heavier than what he receive from he, thanks God, we see it all happen in front of us, a live education to us, 30 minutes before the parent session.

the conclusion from Parent day are 3 : first, they want us to recognize that Sound have ADHD syndrome. Second, they want us to admit / accept what they believed, -- how to treat a kid with ADHD, third, they want us to prepare ourselves at home , and to follow the same instruction they did at school in order to adjust sounds behavior; we accepted it all as we are preparing to this possible outcome, I express our gratitude to the school and express how I look at their observation in a fair way; the promise we made yesterday is to keep in the same educational believe and to turn Sound to an improved tomorrow, principal Chu said, by grade 4, we will see how remarkable this kid is and how uniqueness Sound can be. We hope for the best and waiving good bye.

what inspired us more is when Chu advise us to follow the same fairness to Fruit, our daughter at home, we did it right away, taking her out of the mathematic institution and go for dinner and yoger together, equally share her goal and dreams and encourage her to follow the director of becoming a lawyer, at the same time, the communication and utmost are so warm, this is the first time me and my wife found Fruit had a planned future and saying something meaningful.

Breakfast with HC is nothing but normal, the only achievement is to ask him a favor about infrunsturcture support to Forest school where teacher hungry for the broad band service, as this fit the policy of narrow digital gap , he promise to review this situation and see how he can do. We talked something about the company and public issue, and he inviting my idea of how to build the momentum of Life documentary and to extend the impact , ultimately to help the land and the people; when I told him the reconstruction is in bad shape and we may need to re-do it , he is passive about it, maybe too long in the bureaus , he knows more than I can image.

Carly Firorian's speech is simply yet inspiring, I would like to make it one of CEO chat's subject and to share it with me colleague, as the lunch with A. I found he doesn't know Life is a corporation sponsors done by us, I should make it public, as least to let all our employee know we are doing good thing for Taiwan, do a corporate citizen should do.



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