
Typhoon Natain came quickly and run fast, the casuality up to now were 4, but what make us regreat is a TV news reporter drawed by the flood on his duty and never return, as cable news rampant in Taiwan, more than 10 news TV station compete each other, to win the hight viewing rate, some reporter risking their life to capture shot as exclusive, even putting themselve in the deep water and measure it by their body height, although this is not encourged by most of the people, but they continue to perform it, today, the tragedy happenend and I hope this is the bell rining and every news anchor / report back to normal.

I turn on the TV for the baseball World Series play off games 2, Red Sox Vs Cardigale, the pitcher with red sox Curt Shichilling show up and throw 5 inns, it seem the blood penestrated again, but he is so brave and it deliver the second win in the 7 -- 4 series. Tom Hanks shown up at the green monster -- a green outfield seating area, from the carema, we can see which team he support, it's Red Sox .

Typhoon make a great excuse to movies, it is a habbit for me and my wife, we went for second run theater this time, I seldom go to horrlo movies, but this time, I had no choice but to enter the theater for " Village ", surprisely , this is not a harrolo movie at all, I like William Hurt, the actor, he lose hair and gain weight but it doesn't hurt his acting at all; this is a bit like " Witness ", talking about a bunch of people escape from civilization and building the Shangerila of their own, the elder all borne with sorrow and past misfits with them, the follow the professor , another elder to build this out of world and live by their own, they raised kid and told them not to cross the wood where the creature of monster live and don't allowed the villager cross, it kept them from touching the civilization, according to the elder, the center of evil, finally, a love move the elder , who let his blind daughter serching for medecine to cure his beloved, before the journey, the kept secret disclosed, there's no monter, it was created by the elder to refrain the young and glow up escape.

a dream to build a land with no evil is what the message the direcoter send, I enjoy the metaphore is pass on to me, I told my wife, this is similar to build a " Foreste University " for adult in the real world. how funny this comparison came to my mind. to dream an impossible dream.

the Desiteney collection book had one article mentiond how a people can alter his fate on his own: 1. first, you have to keep positive thinking all the time, as negative thinks tend to be the human nature, it control how you behave yourself.
2. second, change your routine, breaking the rules you developed normally, this will lead you to change the patter of action, behavior, thus, the personality will change accordingly.

by doing above 2 instruction, you may change you own destiny, it sound every logic and sciencitic to me. I will follow what it metioned.

no business today, checking email for last few days, nothing perticular to be handled. it is a quiet week, but I need to pick up all the pieces and heading for the future , a future controlable.



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