
Typhoon Tanli hit East Taiwan this morning, late last night, city government announced the Typhoon day off today, it extended our company trip for one day, we came back from Okinawa yesterday afternoon, 12 hours ahead of the typhoon, group 2 is now in Okinawa and may extend one night in Okinawa if the airplane terminate flights between Taipei / Okinawa tomorrow.

4 days trip ended yesterday, it gave me a great chance to think hard about the future ahead of me. reading a book about mid-age career shift, a book talking the fatlism and destiny, my mind changed from a passive mood to an agressive mood, the stages of building is like : excape and run away, then develope to 「how to protect myself 」in a personal view, then get to the point of 「Gain back my position」and be positive to the challenge. the last insight came early yesterday morning, when woke up at 6:15 Okinawa local time, I open the glass door and see the doomy sea and sky, then the sky getting clear, wave hit the sand beach with a slightly roar, blue sky and green water force me to think, I heard a bird's sound in my backward, looking at the direction, a flock of eagles flew across the sea and sitting on the tree of a huge reef stone; my strength of fighting burst out and the answer come to me so clear : 「Stay, don't asked, when approaching for answers, simply say stay.」, deliver the echo to my heart to wife at a motton hot pot restaurant last night, I kept this turbulance heart and disturbing mind with me for 4 days, this is rare to see, when sharing the calling from my heart to her, she favor my decision and support me as always. be positive and alternate the routine for past 4 years, I should be brave enought to embrace another challenge.

The querrel between Sound and his sister make him tell the true feeling in Forest School, he is not happy, worst than in normal primary school, the result shocked us, he weeps and cried in low voice in his mothers' breast and say " everyone insult me, I feel so bad ", her mother cried together with him and the young boy took a box of tissue to his mother and asked the mother don't cry, he will tried to correct his behavior if mother stop crying. I join the mother and son session without saying a word, lasting, I told Sound, if he really feel unhappy, We will transfer him back to normal school and stay with us; the primary purpose of putting him to Forest is to provide a happy experience and an environment to learn new things, if this is not what we can exptected, then, we don't need to stay long; my idea is to find out who are the boys performing bad action to Sound, and discuss it with the school administration, I will be very fair to the school and the kids, if the school give me differnt answers, I will then varifiy it with Sound, urge him to change his behavior first, then see how it developed, if the bad experience happend again, I will approch the school againg and present the evidence with me, if school's response remain the same, I will then call up the parent of the worst-behavior, and check if them notice about it and how they think, if the answer I received didn't satistify my expectation, I will then having Sound transfer back, as least, he need a place to talk and share., we can't be too cruel to put him in a lonely place alone, facing the problem without help. this is not what a parent should do, no matter it's a training or not.

4 day's trip is an experience, we two groups met up in one hotel, we had a party to conduct lucky draw, to take that opportunity, I said a few word to my colleage. the point is : no matter how you value the trip and scenice spots it presented, in your life, to join the group with the same people to the same place at the same time will only happen once, so, cherish what you have now, today is so important to everyone. enjoy is; if refected to the book I read during the trip and I cited from book which were quote from a Zen master " People only have 2 or 3 days in live, they are yesterday, today and maybe tomorrow ", " A lot of people live their first life 「Waiting」, second life 「Regret」, the combine life stand for 「Never make it up」, this is my second time to Okinawan and my second time to join the tour; my first experience to this issland trace back 17 years ago, this is my first time going abroad, together with my wife to spend our honney moon, acturally, this is not an idea place for young man to travell unless in summer when you can endougence yourself to all the water activities, next time when the colleage voting for comapny trip location, I shall pass my vote and having them decided what they want, my waight will sometime distouching the trip.

tour guide she is a great sales woman, as this is a life experience for our young colleage, so I didn't stop all the sales activity conducted in the tour bus and shops she brought us to, but I write down my memo and will make an article of 「CEO Chat 」and explained to them what I seen and how I feel during the trip., to have them discover the turth is worth a millions then stopping them to buy . as the trip should be a fair trip to everyone, I am not action as the boss again , I think I did it alright and get some itimacy among colleages, especially those who didn't report to me directly on the operation.

Aquralium and Peace Mometum are two places leave me better impression, the largest is the Aquralium, the sorrowest is the mometurm, whenever you found a memorial place with " Peace " as the theme, there must be battle . blood shed before, Okinawa during the WW2, US raiding make a massive tragedy in the island, for total 480,000 people then, 240,000 died on the battle last for 3 months, the momentum stand near the sourthern sea, with marble stone carve the names of those sacrified their life at the battle, most of them were innocent citizen. the symbol art peice present at the Peace Momeum is call " Broken Jade ", a very Chinese way of expanining the myternism, in Chinese, if someone rather perform the great love then the indivisual love, or die for a idealism, we use the saying of " rather be a broken jade, not to stay in one brick shape ", the horn alike momumen consisted with 2 black marble on each side, in the center, the artist use white marble with black strips on it as the symbol of " broken jade ".



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