
Second Half Life, I learn it yesterday; before entering George Lynch's clinic concert at The Wall Taipei, I made time to the Golden Stone book shop; with the instruciton of the Forest School Dean, we - parent have to read books to grow oursleves and be a better parent; " The Parental Guilde for ADHD " and " How to teach your kid about AQ " are books we were requested to read. I bought them in 5 minutes, as the concert open by 8:00 pm, there are plenty time on my hand, stroll around the book shop and pick up 2 books which cause my interest, first is short essays written Nobel Lurenent authour -- a Japanese writer, the other one is a compilation of back story edited by Business Weekly Magazine, the book entitled ( I translate it in English ) " Resume your pitchers' positon ", it deal about peoples in their 40's change their life, career, mind set and pursuing a new curve of life, they call it " the second half of life ", the stories are compelling, it reflect exactly what I am thinking of, then I realized I am in the interim and waiting the nature calling, for pursuing my second half of life also.

the interim comes between 40 -- 45 years old, to recall my memory in the book of " Circle Life ", this is the beginning of second circle; interim is not a point, but a duration of time, a decent thought and a well planned action; you don't wake up in the morning and found youself trapped in the second life, you don't have an overnight wisdom and determinate your where about, how you digest it and re-discover yourself is the key; the key in someone's hand; I begin reading stories, each one of them tell me it take great courage to make it happen



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