
3 of us, EMBA classmate had a Chinese New Year appointment, invited by J. Together with P. we met by 2:30 pm and start our New Year Spa trip to Yunmingshang; in the morning, when watch the TV news, the anchor reported a spectacular scene in SM Mountain, which is it snows, it didn't snow for 11 years, and didn't snow in Chinese New Year even longer, a lot of city slickers drove to enjoy the hard to see snowing, so , the traffic is terrible , jam and jam. I am wondering if we make the wise choice days ago; P was late due to too much commitment to fulfill before noon, J. made an appointment at 3 pm ( I knew this is impossible ), finally, we met by 2:30 pm, everybody get on P's car and heading for Chingshan -- this is the route I pick to avoid the traffic, we arrived by 4:30 Pm, relatively OK, on our way, the car moving still, when passing Wanli, we saw an unbelievable scene, in front of one bakery store, we saw hundred of people line up outside, in this tiny small town, how come this will happen, P explained it to us and advise us this Bakery is famous for first class - tp=op notch cake , they open shops in major premium department store in Taipei, Wanli is where the factory is, so, on weekend, tourist will come and get the fresh cake on their north coast trip; this is another myth, when people see people line up , they will tend to follow the line and see " what's going on ? ", it recall me a pop song years ago " curiosity kills the cat ", we didn't stop for the cake, but slow down as everyone did and guessing how good the cake taste.

Elite Spa resort is our destination, it is a typical Japanese style hot spring spa hotel, I brought my family here 3 years ago and stay over one night, it's good, this Spa contains 5 public pools, they change Male / Female curtain in the entrance of public spa, so, if you stay over night, may enjoy 5 of the different designed pool at one time; we indulge ourselves for 40 minutes, shorter then before in order to catch P' reservation for dinner tonight downtown, hot water, then cold water, I took 3 routine for the Spa treatment and feel totally relax; on our way back to city, the traffic is worst, however, we enjoy talking in the car, so, don't matter how the traffic impact on our appointment, we luckily get to the restaurant " The beauty restaurant " -- name it after the owner's first name, this is really a small and less-decorated Taiwanese restaurant, without introduction and accompany by friend, I don't think we are brave enough to get it, then I read some news article the boss post on the wall, and understand how this Taiwanese restaurant win such a good reputation - by it's food, not decoration or services, Beauty was once working in a Taiwanese Club -- those with female inside and drinking / singing with male, and learn the delicacy in the old days, so, when she leave the Club, she run this little restaurant and offer the food which didn't exist before, we do enjoy the meal, the meal is hosted by J. because he pass the oral test and become the official MBA last week; during the meal, we talk and talk, P. considering change his job and seeking our advise ( passively ), I simply told him at our age, fame or fortune, at least we shall secure one before jump into the uncertain venture, P. said to us he sometime been making fun with the nickname " butterfly ", flying hear and there, working for matching other's business, and end up with nothing on hand, I told him, not to do it anymore, turn himself a bee, working hard for itself, on the way P drove me home, I think he drove a little bit fast, so when he conduct conversation in the car, I watch the traffic with caution, thanks god, every one went home safe.

today, woke up by 8:00 am automatically, with no alarm, it's a good sign to be ready for work in 2 days. toady, Director Chang inviting me for dinner via P. Change, I try to make believe this is not a " social event ', but a " people in same taste gathering for good purpose " , anyway, smooth first.