
Chairman Chen and I had a brief conversation over the phone last this evening, he point out that his major task now is to seek and identified the qualified candidate to run PTV and have all the candidates ready for directors' final approval, according to him, this is a consensus decison, the candidate who win the majority of votes will be the General Manager of PTV and carry the mission of the soon to be re-sturctured Public Media Group in Taiwan, the mission of PTV is to lay the infulence on the media ecosystem and to bring the qualtiy content to mass audience in Taiwan, he asked if I can be one of the candidate , but no guarenty of the final elections; my answer to him is positive and I told him no matter who win the final round, I hope that due to my enroll in the candidency, the bar can be raised and they may find a high quality GM to lead the significant media enviroement change in Taiwan; we set a face to fact appointment next Monday in my office; the impression we leave are mutually positive I guess.

Told my wife this rapid development, as Chen mentioned to keep it strickly confidencial, I only disclose it with my wife and I told her, I will not lower my attitude to him or the directors since they need me much more than I need them; I have to sacrifice decent amont of time, energe, privacy and financial lose if I really take this offer; if I am not favor the integrity Chairman Chen shows and ready to devoted myself to a non-profit organization, PTV will never got a chance to convince me.

No matter how noble this jobe will be, I shall be as simple, normal, pure as before and act just the same person I am, no one know this is good or bad, and no one will guarenty a 100% successful for a media ecosysem turn around.

Lunch with Y. to discuss my insurance coverage. I want to know 3 major issue : 1. How much I shall prepare for my insurace fees next year, 2. If I lost my job, what can be cut and my basic insurace will be covered also 3. if my minumum living expense is 80,000 per month, can I leverage the loan from the insurance company , and the credit I obtain can not only cover the insurance but support my minimum living requirement? if I am free from any job for 15 months, I need to know how to keep a living without begging. this is a worst case scenario; I need to cover it and secure the family first before keep my dignity.

Feel tired, but I know I will not go to bad soon as my brain is working now, this is a habit, whenever there's a change of job switch, I will always dream of the picture that I am on board, then make a list of to do's / strategy / stage / plan and write it down; this habit follows me every where I go. if I didn't write it down, I will neve sleep well, I will do it tomorrow.



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