
My sister called this morning inform me the prior appointment she made via my secretary, it related to a sales pitch her company wish to conducted with us; the appointment make me feel uncomfortable :
1. my secretary knew that she is my sister, on my absence, how can she response to the appointment ? and how can she filter the subject on behalf of me ?
2. my sisiter is neither the executive of the contacting company, nor working in the sales dept. she is not in the position to initative the appointment, if her company have the intention, they may call us ( not necessay call me ) to pitch the sales. why putting me and my sister in between to create such an unhappy norm ?
3. the company fooled me before, that was initatived by my sister also, one sales person asked my sister to set up appointment with me ( according to her statement ), and change the date twice,, then simply cancel the appointment without a reason, I later find out they are approaching anothe telecom company , maybe , my wild guess, using our name to leverage their position and closing the deal with them, so, we've been used as the back up company, the finding really make me mad. this put out my great concern about this company.
4. If I reject the appointment, what did the company my sister worked think about our family relationship ?
5. why wasting time on the issue that I will never agree upon ?

if someone close to you, they should understand how hard you tried to be fair to everyone on everything, they should think about your situation before throwing ball to you and make you feel uncomfortable; I dislike such a behavior, and I will remind myself never perform such a bad action to those I respect and love.

attending the Taiwan HQ quaterly management meeting for the whole afternoon, this is a waste of time, although some of the information shared and the corporated project announced were important to us, but the way they present the meeting won't make you feel important at all; everyone look at the power point they prepare and read it line by line. with no eye contact with audience and never miss the line on the screen, if this is how a meeting goes, why not distribute hand out and asked everyone to read it at your desk? the chairman is serious about the meeting, but no creativity at all and no energy among attendees, this is a torture for endurance, and a campaign of calling the wake-ups, only a few people appreciate the entire session, I didn't falling asleep as I am sitting in the middle front seat. it seems internal communication between Japanese companies is much harder than us.

sitting at the coach tonight watching Japanese soap drama " The White Tower " with my wife, We didn't follow every episode but take chance for viewing it; Japanese drama generate decent follower in Taiwan, we are pretty fond about this drama.

My second week on the diet medication, I don't feel any lost of weight, the weight measurer didn't reflect it also; do I lost my appitite for food ? a little bit, but not very much. I should continue the diet program for next 2 weeks then see how it go.

Group 2 of the company trip returning Taipei this afternoon, Typhoon didn't impact on their itinerary, they must feel bad, cause the extra / bonus holiday didn't arrived, compare with Group one, when returned from Okinawa, Typhoon provide a free day off for them , the make up day really pay off, one colleage share a picture of me to my email address, she said, the stong wind blow to my hair, make me look like a demon ( the ox horn monster -- from the famous Western Journey ), I return the mail with kindness; at least, my colleage they don't feel distance to me, not in moat, this is an improvement for both of us.



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