
Couldn't sleep well last night, my brain can't stop working, I had too many illustration and it grow like a tree, thinking too much about the uncertain future is a problem to me, my wife knew that well and told me not to carry those questions to my dream, I told her something she's been troubled by the kid and the troblesome keep her awake all night, this is the same experiecne we've encouter, the only difference is the subject.

woke up at usual for my Satuday ping pong gathering, 2 of the members absent this morning, three of us exercise for 2 and half hours; I win all the games, you know what, I keep the spirit of gambling with my future and talking to myself it win such a game, then my dream of the future will come ture, this self-esteen keep me win all the games, and I can tell how serious I am to the future ahead.

It's been a while away from the artistic films, the escape to a non-existing world break for a while; asked my wife to go for the art film, this time, I am not aiming to escape from anywhere, but to diverse my focus a little bit, I can't be too concentrate on the appointment on Monday;, I pick the film " Wilbure -- the man who tried to kill himself " -- we are very in fond of the movie, simple story with a very touching emotions, the man who tried to kill himself end up survive, his brother, who save him from all the attempting suicide kill himself at the end of the story; but this is for love, not hate; the character appeared on this movie were brilliant; two brothers running a second hand book shop left from their father; a single mother with a very mature daughter, a doctor and a nurse; the impact is quite stong, the coincident is the cancer which took the elder brothers' life is the same as the songwriter Mr. Lieng Hung-chi who pass away this morning; we saw the news before the movie.

eyes don't feel comfortable, probably it cause by the opticl glass, probabely by the soured and tired eye mucles; I don't really.



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