
Didn't expect that " Voices of Villager " ( My non-official translation ) will hit me more than " Life ", in terms of the impact, the depth and the review of oneself; I didn't shed a tear during the entire show, but my brain didn't stop thinking if I were the character in the documentary, what will I do, those aboriginal do digest a lot of " Life lessens " for us, no matter they are well educated or knowledgeable, what they say is what they experienced.

this film touched little about the earthquake, but the impact of the aftermath; a aboriginal DJ resign from his job, returning to his village and set up an underground radio station, he return to his tribe to be a public DJ , An announcer is more close to what he did; an aboriginal and a folk singer, he can plan, talk and sing on his program, the program last for 2 years, until the day resources were running out, interesting is until the credit come out, we didn't see this person, the hint told me that this guy is singing somewhere in Bali left bank , in an aboriginal pub, this legendary people must garner decent follow up if you been to the movie as well; I love the way director Chung-Woah designed.

this film deal with a few topic and issues everybody knows but hardly discussed : they are : the elder authority and the middle age new power replacement ( why the elder didn't trust the younger generation and to delegate the administration authority to them, why the mid-age must grow to 60's to be qualified for success ? ); the lack of caring for aboriginal in Taiwan and the inefficiency of public sector ( the water protection zone which provide 5 counties in mid-Taiwan don't have their own watering system, the access to main transportation been stopped for one and half year due to the earthquake, not a person care until President set his visiting schedule to neighboring village, the road work complete in less than 20 days? ) ; the idea preacher conflict with traditional power ( the civilized aboriginal poet and the school teacher together with his wife - a very effective, well connected to modern world social activist, raising fund and building a new hope for the refugee, working on community concept, educate next generation, growing existing villager and even build a " MEHU fruit direct sale sector to help farmers gain back their investment, in the end, all in vain, the simply house community losing energy, all the new trial for surviving fails, the lady devoice with her husband - the poet and return to Taipei, this is a sad story ); the modern ( socialized ) aboriginal and its adapting to tradition ( a wrong assumption but I would like to express, if aboriginal leaving tradition too long or been cultivate by modern education for too much, it may not be a great access to the trial, I recalled the movie " The Mission " and the line I keep in mind , if white man didn't bring civilization to the virgin land, there won't be blood shed cause by the white value and proposition ( My own assumption ); the trust-base of people in the same village ( in a greater scale, it can be nation, country; how came a village only have less than 500 people , 180 family divided and separated to 3 groups, they fighting the water one another, causing the death of water origin administrator -- ironically in the funnel, all the villagers attended, and why one ground cut-off the pipe connected by the other group, why resource distribution always in a not-fair situation? )

Too many issues raised by this documentary, and too little solution, the director is not the authority to provide answers, answer should be in everybody's heart, when the credit complete and the light turn on, all the audience give the film an ovation, what a rare honor in the document film and in the absence of the director; I respect Chung-Woan and I value the efforts he contribute for the past years.



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