
Finished 2 major event this week, the YPO dinner and Board Meeting, YPO dinner complete with the score of 80 last night, thanks to the Nakasi support, it heated up the dinner, if no communication on the table, at least we have music floating around and some guests enjoy sing along entertaining, to show a good master, I sing the first, as I am new to this custom and didn't practice any song before, the performance should be terrible, but any way, to be the master, I don't mind to be the laughtering target; wine is good thanks to J. We are half way done, this is a warm up for next dinner on the 28th, after this, we are guest instead of master, but the event on next Jan, seems a bit complicate, Shen suggested to do a family scale event and don't against the user pay approach, this is a burden to me, what's the theme for the education this year " continuity and ? ", to link old and new won't easy. Let me think about it, but I don't want to spend too much time on this. Finding Radio to help me is a good idea. Check the budget first.

I don't have time to prepare my report to the board meeting, the document didn't ready by this morning, I can only check the old paper on my way to the office this morning and take a brief review for the presentation file this morning, the meeting took longer than my expectation, 2 hours, the key issue is how to present out " Mid-rang plan ", to darw a picture of how our business will go and what direction it will lead is much more important then present a profit margin, margin can be generate on any business, but how to leverage our strength by combining Access and Non-access business is very sensitive, if you are too far away from access business, you are losing the core competence you established for the past years, this will also shows a no improvement trend of what you are doing now ; but if you aggregations exercise on your current strength, we are fooling ourselves , as the learning curve is there, we may never enjoy a fat margin by doing access business alone, so growing in what area will be the second issue, if you tried you own way and counting on original product, membership business, e-commercial and losing focus on the sister company / parent company's product, you will be treated as a stand alone company, if the departure is too drastic, why should the parent company keep you in the scope of business, they may think of selling it to someone as it won't benefit to the synergistic development.

another major issue is our belongings, who shall be our foster parent to further nutrition us and should we be consolidated to the Taiwan operation as a division instead of a company, will the new parent company satisfy with current return on investment, will the new management team think of liquidate this business. As we are the only off-shore company doing the network business now, we are in a very fragile position. I hope COO can figure out a way to present the concept / story to Tokyo in the week after, it will give the top new management a flesh perspective to our business nature.

I took the director to the Silver Wing Shanghainess Restaurant, chicken soup and crispy duck are most welcomed. No special topics during the lunch, this is the shortest period I spend with director.



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