
CEO chat November edition published just now, I suppose to release it on last Friday, due to the unstable of blog server, I can't published on line, so I bring back the article and doing it at home; Last Friday, Attending the public hearing for " Peering Policy " Formation; as we strongerly promote the free peering ( Public Free for all, Private Free under conditions ) and win 4 major ISP's support, this turn around development make TWNIC -- The study and suggestion body re-think the internet peering policy setting in Taiwan, currently, there's no law to regulate peering between type 2 telecommunication company, which means, internet service provider don't have the obligation to connect each other under the law, this is so strange, it break all the rule in the world of " Internet " -- to connect the world via IP and data. we hope that the battle we participate will be pay off by the public hearing results.

Monthly P and L came out today, a consective month reach the target with profit, Our directors said it on the board meeting that if we achieve the target this month, they will host a celebrating party for us and inviting managers to join , Friday night, I pick one traditional restaurant with terrific Chinese Food, we drink 10 bottle of good wine and every mangers enter a deal with an engagement by next March, if we achieve the ultimate goal by then -- annually break even, we will conduct this celebration party in a private hostle -- and to dring until wee, I promise to everyone, I will force myself to get drunk and be the happiest person among them -- if I stay with them still ( this isn't disclosed )

One of the director from PTS foundation call my mobile late in the Friday on my way to the party, he spend 30 minutes convinced me to take any position offered by the board of PTS-- even it's a VP position and wish I can sacrifice myself for pursuing the best public interest and to be part of the media environment change in the critical moment; again, he asked me to keep this conversation between us and advise me this is his personal comments, he didn't act as messager to deliver any collective opinions; I appreciated his ensusiuam and believe in my capibility to bring the new aspect to the public media group and I told him I will think it over and over with postive attitude; to be honest, since he disclosed the blue print of the Pubic Medid Group in the future and how the organization gonna structure and works, I knew that if th GM position didn't arrive, the potential won't be realized in the future as too many factors in between, thanks for his kindnes which make me had a clear mind in deciding which way to go.

Sound's behavior and temper wasn't correcting significantly, last night, he burst out temper and ruin all the plans for the weekends, his party were canceled, no Pixer's movie and not a outing diner; his mother is very disappointed, although we highly praised Forest School's efforts, but I think the big problem won't elimnate only by the school education, he must face the hurdles created by himself and to solve them on his own, we can only stand beside him and provide help by his request. I hope for the best.



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