Are you scared
Reality bite; yesterday, when finishing my speech at Butterfly Velly Resort - warming weather, flesh air and great view; I stratigh back to office, this is not what I normally done these days, have a very brief meeting with Ma. presenting him my comment on how to postion music 543 to CHT value added service road map. then Celine came in my office.she spend almost one hour explained to me how I am going to face the real challenge - shorage of moeny, not only for my personal / family use, but also our company financiing. when share with her the TA YA development and my feedback from the potential customer, I knew the engaging period with customer take much longe time than we expected, I am not negative about the situation, but to let her know - my business parnter, that to sustain our company, the resource we invest in such a business is hardly paid off, I am not saying this is Not a Good business, but to let her understand this is so difficult to make a living, she advise to me are :
1. share the value of what I am doing now with my family - getting use to what I am now.
2. find executive recruiter for overseas ( mainly in China ) employment in multi-national corporation - return to what I was then.
3. company financing is a very normal situation, can't be panic , otherwise, I will lose the wisdom in making proper decision.
after all the education, she express the key message : Never ever reveal the message of " We are in financial derpordy " to anyone outside , especially our client. because no one deal to enter contract with a company who maybe went bankrupcy anytime or losing faith in what they are specilized. second : To seperate the personal finance management with corporate financing.
well, I take her advise and will try to overcome the possible stress in me. calling wife and leave message for so many times, no response, finally, she return my call with a very blue mood. thanks God I find her and I did called her last time when in Huiling.
Rushing to see her and comfort her , take her to the small street food vendor. she is getting better, I asked her don't complain to herself and take other's immutual opinion as pressure, there only you and me, we can't afford to let any one get hurt, she is getting better and better now.
Have a very early breakfast with Woody, a music man who I met 5 years ago when helping Welly doing his musical " Making Track ", Woody set up his own label , focuing in Asian American talent and market, release his debute instrumental album, we talked and I asked, then I realized his music initative hit a big rock, I am in a better position then him, I can still perform as a consultant to help him. Yes, this is the value in me.
Group lunch with Mr. Han, and to officially introduce Jae to Mr. Han, I pick new 1010 Funan cursine which Charles owned, we have a good time, the slightly sense of strange feeling is : he asked if he should pay the bill - the first time in the year I sense the hesitaion for Mr. Han to clear the bill. is it a sign of what? or I am too sensetive to this?
Inviting Stan to be our honor advisor and to publish his credit in our website, he asked to meet me again and to clear the un-finished project with us - I have the committement with our company and with Mr. Han, but there no position for me to turn down icon and tycoon such as him. if I may....
A little bit cold running thruough my heart when digest what Celine advise me.. I am not comfortable with doing cold call... can I change and how to change?
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