
A. called ( my primary school classmate who we reunited few years ago ) and ask my favor to secure airplane tickets for him, he plan to attend the EMBA graduation ceremony in Australia, to this this advantage, I obtain Miss Chang's phone number, I call her in late evening and seek her help to convery my worries to Miss Yang -- another primary school classmate of mine, who were the " Golden match " with me in the childhood years, I had her numbers 2 years ago, but lost contact for almost 2 years, when preparing my self-introduction document, I found the picture of us wearing the swimming suit in a beach , it gave me a signal to call her the other day; the phone service company response with a IVR recorded the message of : the number you dial is out of service now; I am a little bit worried, as I knew she developed cancer a few years ago, and I knew this she had a family history of cancer as her mother was passed away cause by the cancer, so, I really worried about her.

Miss Chang did pass my greeting to her as I received a short message from her last tonight, she is pessmestic as Miss Chang mentioned over the phone, the messages she left show a light appreciation of my caring but to deliver a negetive thoughs of life, I am not here to save anyone's confidence about life, but I would defenitely return with another positive message ( the communication method she suggested via the message she left ) to her and encourge her to think more bright toward the life ahead; my hope my caring meaning something to her and her family.

retrieve a meeting invitation from COO, the EVP of S. is coming to visit us a week later, that's the position open for me half a year ago; I had a stranger feeling about this scheduled meeting; this gentelman should not aware about his superior see me before and we have been place at the same competition table in front of them; since our company decided to switch our business to the dominate telecom player earlier than the recruiting take place, I am afraid those senior executive will treat it at my retaliation to them; if they do take this angle, then , I am lucky not to enter any working relationship with them; anyway, the feeling is strange.

Professor Chuang asked something about the PTS also, I didn't speak more as I promised a few directors, but I honestly told him since the chairman they selected don't have a media industry background, he should be smart enough to pick the GM equip with media background, otherwise, how to defence all the challenge coming from the media industry in the beginning of changing media ecosystem; my analysis is clear and loud, I excluded myself to the final list, if they are smart enough, should not place me in the GM positon and better not to identified any VP forming a team for the new hired GM, it will only bring the devided company before reform and reengireering.



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