
Sitting on the Golden Award Panalist for 2 days, this is a very time consuming session, as total judge up t0 19 people, if every round requied each judge to speak for 3 minutes, then the discussion will never ending, the chairperosn is good in handling and controling the meeting temper, we succesfully complete first day task in time, second day, we even save another 90 minutes to discussed the " Special Contribution Award " candidate, this is the worst part for the past 2 days, I don't really understand why we need to spend so much time define this, anyway, this is a open society, according to the meeting organizer, we are much better then prior judges for past years. we will soon approach the round 3 tomorrow which is to pick the nominees -- this can be hammony session but with the hind part to be a battle ground; the combination of judges is an interesting angel as well, with 15 years of experience, GIO gain decent experience to smooth this part.

The crowd in front of the Presidencial Palace is getting organized, day shift and night shift, material supply and scheduled speakers, it's like a long term commitment, they are now planning a big rally on March 27th, see what happens.


Sitting on the Golden Melody award panelist for the final nominee , this is an interesting experice for me, total up to 19 judge for the 15th best of the best in the music industry in Taiwan, it's like a rest or relaxtaion for me, it hard for me to take up 3 days free from the office, but this gave me a great excuse for such an event, being away from the music industy for 3 years, I am happy to see all the old veteran in the same room, it's a fun and happy hours as well.

writing this during the coffee break, a few blocks away, the demostration still acting, I will try to record this movement until it fade away.

the aftermath of election wasn't gone yet, rally and demonstrations took place in front of presidential palace, the opposition party used to be the ruling party, so, they are not familiar with all kind of street movement, this is a tough job for them, Ying-Ju Ma is a hard target at this moment, as the opposition party campaign organizer, he need to support this people, as a city major, he need to follow law and order, this hardship make him so difficult these days.

I receive a obituary yesterday, when saw the envelope, I though one of his elder is no longer with us, when open it, I was shocked, it's him, he himself is the person who left us, at the age of 55, I feel so sorry for him, call my wife for this message and then rush to the meeting with foreign visitor, I can't concentrate on the conversation, what floating on my mind is why and the memories which keep recall to me; Mr. Chu is a never give up hero who we encountered at my entertainment tenure; strong ambition and strong will make him one of the top player in the TV production filed, then he move on to the Karaoke business and again, prove himself one of the top and tough player in town, a few investment jeopardizes his core business, try very hard to transform the company to a list company suffer him a lot, then lost of the licensee of major label result to a bad financial status of the company, he's been quite for sometimes, I remember to see him a year ago and chat with him about his plan. when learnt that his plan is to " repeat ' what he did in Taiwan and deploy it to China, I don't thinks this is a brilliant idea, but again, I am not in the right position to tell him how I feel. that's the last conversation we had before his termination. a gambler , so to speak, he gamble for money, for career, and for his life maybe. What’s been achieved ? I don't really know, but call it an end maybe a relieve to him.

Met A. and B for dinner, they came a long way from China to vote, ( I thought until we found that Ben is holding US passport which refrain him from voting ), we talked nothing but the election, although my wife warned me not to talk about election in public, but, can't help. this is a therapy, a way to release the frustration and to share and build a new ground for ordinary people.

「New immigration 」is what come up after the hours discussion, the cultural identity is the primary ingredient keep us here, we -- didn't born in China but inherit with the culture and philosophy as Chinese and believe in this new identity, but the election turn things around, we maybe exile from the land we born and searching for new adaptation because we lost the sense of " root " or " culture ', this is a terrible feeling , people move to China for working is diffident rationale, the driver is economic, people move to China for searching a new identity is a mission, a mission to find where is the future for people like us -- mid-40, well educated, China believer, independency, middle class, appreciate Chinese culture, proud to be a Chinese.

at least, a few millions of people in Taiwan bear the same thought. when realize the next generation in Taiwan support the current administration and don't feel strong attachment to Chinese culture, we -- might be treated as a new generation of " honorable retired solider " -- a almost forgotten tribe who move to Taiwan with KMT 40 years ago and always believe they will return to China someday.

Fish restaurant is a great one, as always, they serve the flesh fish everyone, Ben , Antonio and me enjoy every dish they serve.

Check our saving with wife, not very positive, but we shall carefully spend, cause we can't longer afford to live luxury life anymore -- mentally and physically.


Having lunch with marketing staff for 3 reason: welcoming new member, farewell to old member and announce the new manager on board, as usual, we book Mrs. Fei for lunch, it's quick and less expensive, total of 12 at lunch and topics surrounding by the presidential election, although my wife give me warning calls couple of time and advise me don't ever talk political issue at work, especially in such a sensitive timing. But, it seems this is a “national movement ", you can't really escape from this topic, we are lucky can only talk about it instead of rally on the street and become rebel without home.

Introduction of new mangers is an important session for lunch, S. sit too far away, she should sit in the middle of the table , but at corner she can't really communicate with her future co-workers, but with the courage and understanding, I believe she can't overcome all the hurdles in tangible and intangible way.

Presidential election finished by last Sat. but the unrest followed afterward, the ballots is too close to cause doubt about the justice, so, the opposition party rally in front of the presidential palace , claiming for re-examine the ballot and examine the gun-shot wound happen the day before election; President was shoot one day before the election, he hit by the belly , but no big deal, the gun shots wake up a lot of " middle ' voter who turn to him in favor of his courage or pity, so the poll which shows a 200,000 to 700,000 gap is gone, the final result is he win for 20,000 plus votes.

I am not question about the fake or injustice election, if someone hungry for power like this and willing to pay such a high price, then, just let him run it; the ultimate power bringing ultimate corruption; told by old scholars; KMP lost the election this time, it's very hard for them to keep the tiny resource they have now, so , what should be questioned is :

1. why the running party can gain another 2 millions vote even most of the people don't agree with his economic and China policy?
2. why the opposition party don't want to make the young Major Ma the candidate to run the election in the fist place ? election is noting about winning, ethic in the political party is another form of corruption.
3. opposition party is to " control ' or " monitor ' the policy, not to agianst the runing party in every law making or regulations formation.
4. if opposition party can't consider the cost of unrest, can't admit the lost of election, then all Taiwanese have to bear and share the cost together with they, half of the vote shows people follow them, but half of votes shows people don't follow they, if this result to the spilt of the country or to create another racer issue, then Taiwan is hopeless.

' Big Fish " is a good movie, we went the night before election after President was gunned, Tim Burton is a genius, the story reflect to a father and son situation which happened all around the world in modern society; father is a hero when kids are small, then turn nothing when kids grow old ; a compelling story teller may turn to be a big liar, who really understand another person? no matter he or she is your father or spouses; Chinese have a saying, " Draw to conclusion when the man is buried " or " Judge a person closing the coffin "; if you had a father full of imagination and try to polish the story to a fairy tale, its not bad.

Saturday, the ping pong campaign is good, the birth of the 5th campaignship is O, we close the game earlier in order to watching the result of election, bring the family to a BBQ restaurant, it's an all you can eat format, the first time we bring kid to such a service, it nice, but not health definitely.

Sunday, after the din-sun lunch, we drove to an old town -- Shan-Chiar visiting the old temple which decorate with all art works -- from wood carving , stone carving to painting, this hundred year old temple is like a museum to us, we haven’t been there for years, my wife drove us there for the first time, a long stone bridge connected old town and the temple, after temple visit, we follow the old street and see a few Baroque style houses along the street, it doesn't like old street in other city, they have been over decorated to commercial zone, Shang-Chiar old street keep its original form and the only change I can feel is some of the house been modified as contemporary old -style antique house.

at night, me and my wife went for a comedy movie " along came Polly " a pain ease movie, Ben Stiller is funny, simple, dramatic and a little be romantic, we had a good night and try to forget what the election bring to us.

Future of TAIWAN ? No. 1. the economic reform. No.2 China policy. hope the new government really understand what's the need and want from people in Taiwan.

Today, we are going to announce the new organization chart in the company, the change management come to a first milestone, we've been discuss and change this format for months, it drag so long that a few people lost their patient, but we are lucky to revise as comprehensive as possible, otherwise, a lot of surprise will come and knock our door.