
Bidding for Youth Establishment

Invited by National Youth Commision to be the judge for once of the creative industy project -- young music talent search with the business development project, I am one out of 7 commision members to varify the proposal from 7 company and to sit on the non-stop presentation for the whole day today.

I splet over this morning, a very rare situation in my working life, as I know I can extened my normal sleeping for one more hour today, so, I set 2 different alarm in my cellure phone, unfortunrately, I turn the funtions of " silence " last night without notice this big mistake. my secretary woke my up this moring, that's 9:20 already, my driver tried to call but the phone is in silence mode, there's no way to wake me up, my wife alart me last night, but as a fortunate teller, it did happend, is it the Murphy's Law.

As I had a coffee break with my driver yesterday, this is his 3rd week on board, I need to talked with him my feeling sitting on the car he drive -- I am scared, if I don't feel safe, how can I managed to keep him service for me. so the conversation set the new rule, never rush, don't change the lane when driving and no hurry even I am late for appointment, this morning, I facing the emergency situation, but as the new regualation set one day earlier, I tended not to push him and keep the new driving rule, so , I am late fore th panelist for about 30 minutes, luckly I am no missing too much of the program.

the one who win the bid is very creative, but we worried about the execution of this program, before judge grand the final answe, I express my standard and share with all the people in present, which is : Maximixing the purpose we want to achieve and the targe audience we wish to serve; Connection to the value chain which will ultimately impact on the overall performance of this project and Profesionism : Execution / Continuity / Consisit / Influence are the 4 index I addressed today.


Exhale morning

Cha-chin asked me why to set 3 differenet routines with director in the company when we had the breakfast session this morning; this is a new routine I developed for directors -- I set the monthly meal in NKSP ( either breakfast or lunch ) with them and quarterly cross-division directors dinner downtown and the weekly 30 minutes review session in my office, I repones her that I would like to create different ambient in varies envrioment with them to build the communication models in between; the 30 minutes business update briefing is for intense and condense understaning of our business, the meal in the park is to extended another 30 minutes sharing cross-division issues and to exchange idea in a hight place touching upon the issues in strategic formation ; the dinner is for buidling a groud for executives to get to know each other more and establish friendship if it may; I always belive people helping each other with a reason, if there's no itimacy, only authority, the organiation will be very fragile and the achievement made won't be a delightful theme.

Sharing with her gain me more energy, I should be the brain of the company, doing decent and proper thinking and lead.. this is what I am lack of recently.

S. - the corporating markeing manger who re-assign to this post one month ago tramp herself in a very blue " Position " gesture, she can't get herself out of this ivy tower, I consulate with her for many times, I even drop to this same hole, I pull myslef out and told her, truing action and making action the answer to our description, don't stagnate somewhere and moving nowhere, our manager spending too much time convincing each other, and the communciton took so long, and the subjest was so blue, it won't helpe to improve the operation but to lais stones in the muddy water, more obstables. this is terrible.