Bidding for Youth Establishment
Invited by National Youth Commision to be the judge for once of the creative industy project -- young music talent search with the business development project, I am one out of 7 commision members to varify the proposal from 7 company and to sit on the non-stop presentation for the whole day today.I splet over this morning, a very rare situation in my working life, as I know I can extened my normal sleeping for one more hour today, so, I set 2 different alarm in my cellure phone, unfortunrately, I turn the funtions of " silence " last night without notice this big mistake. my secretary woke my up this moring, that's 9:20 already, my driver tried to call but the phone is in silence mode, there's no way to wake me up, my wife alart me last night, but as a fortunate teller, it did happend, is it the Murphy's Law.
As I had a coffee break with my driver yesterday, this is his 3rd week on board, I need to talked with him my feeling sitting on the car he drive -- I am scared, if I don't feel safe, how can I managed to keep him service for me. so the conversation set the new rule, never rush, don't change the lane when driving and no hurry even I am late for appointment, this morning, I facing the emergency situation, but as the new regualation set one day earlier, I tended not to push him and keep the new driving rule, so , I am late fore th panelist for about 30 minutes, luckly I am no missing too much of the program.
the one who win the bid is very creative, but we worried about the execution of this program, before judge grand the final answe, I express my standard and share with all the people in present, which is : Maximixing the purpose we want to achieve and the targe audience we wish to serve; Connection to the value chain which will ultimately impact on the overall performance of this project and Profesionism : Execution / Continuity / Consisit / Influence are the 4 index I addressed today.