
Today, The big day for YPO -- kick off / kick out session in 101, I am afraid that I might be home late, to take an early advantage and keep the 21 days routine live, I write down this short blog ahead.

my scheudle for today is : exercise for whole morning, arrive at 101 - Mind lounge by 4:00 pm, accopany sound check with Greg, attending members meeting on 4th floor , than join the party by 7:00 pm.


After the 'Lady killer " , the icon of phone message alert me to activate it, it is Ella, when return her call, she told me Thomas's company decided to take the investment for Eagles concert and asked her to provide the contract; my feeling is mixed, I just done the tele conversation with Mr. Yu and build the consense of " Go with the flow ", his God shows the road again, my worried is I -- who promised to be the investor need to fulfill this by next week. while handle my conversation with Ella, I advise her how to deal with current situation and to gain back control from the investing party and never forget to bring J. to the loop. I will call J tomorrow and tell her this news and finalized a few outstandings in between; will, this will be my major and biggest investment up till now; my wife hold the stronger commitment than me, not because she see the opportunity to earn motr, but a relationship money can't buy.

Lady killer is a cult movie, the Cohn brothers -- famous for it's ironic black comedy making this movie the same style as before; I love Tom Hank, his performance is so brillant, no wonder he can win the best actor for more than once; it's a very American movie also, the English used in the film create a wild spectrum, the hip-hop punk full of slang, Tom - the professor is clever in develop lingustic skill and using beauty English, a ABV ( Vienetness ) speak little English and the Lady -- represent a Missisipi Black oral tone; after the movie, my wife asked me what's the message the film want to deliver, my answer to her is : no massage at all, but to well presnet the character of Cohn's brother, his way of crafting a film and show the world the artistic integrity of them.

next week, more negociation will take place, the battle with the major carrier come to an end, everyone will show's there last card, COO enjoy the game, I am in between, hopefully the final result will give us more room to grow and pave the road to a better internet future in Taiwan.

Booked 2 shows for me and the family, one is a " traditional Beijing talk show " for this , I will bring the whole family, kids love the modernized talk show, we had a few CD at home, whenever we need to take longer trip, the talk show CD is the best campaign for kids, some of the bridges they can even memoried, but this time, I am planning to bring them to the traditional one, to let them taste the original flavor of Beijing talk show; the other show is also from Beijing " The Tea House " drama, I will bring my wife for it, as this show critical acclaim and been re-play for thoundsand times -- well, you may compare it with the broadway show - Cats, this time, they are coming over from Beijing, I am interested to see what " story " or " touch " they will bring to us.

Invited 2 of our Japanese colleage to lunch today, this is a no purpose meal, as I am a local CEO, show host meal for foreign employee and listen to their voice, one of the colleage even introduce me to a new restaurand in the neighboring area -- but not in the software park, I encourge them to order food and we do enjoy the lunch, according to them this small restaurant have been ranked as the best restaurant from our COO -- who is a Japanese also; I don't create any agenda for this lunch, casually I asked how their live in Taiwan and asked them what's the differecne between Taiwaness girl and Janapese girl, as both of them do have Taiwanese girl friends; coffee with Marketing manger afterward and consult her with the new hire -- she is concider recruiting a senior person in marketing to share her responsibility, I am helping her to vairfy the fundemental need before making decision -- such as she need a administrtive person or a creative supervior or thinking of grouping the current job within marketing dept. and assigning new section chief, every move will have an organizational behavior change, so I am playing the role as her mirrow again.

the time is running out and I need a big volume of creative juice to fix my thesis writing; left 2 weeks to finish everything is quite challenge, this morning, I Spend an hour list down the sequency of wiriting and working out the agenda, I am thinking finding a quite place for non-stop writting - K Book house come to my mind, when reading newspaper this morning, the article of " Bushiban street " reflesh to me, when I was in high school, preparing for the university entracne examination, the bushiban -- institution ( middle school so to speak ) for student between the window of gradution from high shool but fail to entry universtiy -- I spend a year in Nan-Yang street where cluter of insittution existed. the application business derived from Nan-yang street is the " Reading house " ( we called them the K-House ), the house provide quite environment for student to study -- this is like the library but you need to bring your own book and stationary.

when walk in the house, you are mentally ready to be camped or locked there, you may concentrate in reading or writing, this is a 25 years back memory; the article today featured a picture to tell the updated version of K-House -- innovate and improve a lot, it's comfortable and I am thinking to book one next week, I should try one day there.

the time is running out and I need a big volume of creative juice to fix my thesis writing; left 2 weeks to finish everything is quite challenge, this morning, I Spend an hour list down the sequency of wiriting and working out the agenda, I am thinking finding a quite place for non-stop writting - K Book house come to my mind, when reading newspaper this morning, the article of " Bushiban street " reflesh to me, when I was in high school, preparing for the university entracne examination, the bushiban -- institution ( middle school so to speak ) for student between the window of gradution from high shool but fail to entry universtiy -- I spend a year in Nan-Yang street where cluter of insittution existed. the application business derived from Nan-yang street is the " Reading house " ( we called them the K-House ), the house provide quite environment for student to study -- this is like the library but you need to bring your own book and stationary.

when walk in the house, you are mentally ready to be camped or locked there, you may concentrate in reading or writing, this is a 25 years back memory; the article today featured a picture to tell the updated version of K-House -- innovate and improve a lot, it's comfortable and I am thinking to book one next week, I should try one day there.


Homosexer Homocide -- the murder's name is exactly the same as Meloday -- my good friend and insurance account, she wrote an article to her friends taking about the " chaning of someone's fortune " idea, indeed, no one know what a " Good name " bring or alter someone's life, Chinese fortune teller devloped a few techniques to tell someone's future -- by looking his / her face ; reading palm, assemble birth sign and timing of birth; your birth animal or your name - the symbol reflect to your character; to predict future is a Chinese way of phycological theraphy; Chinses go to doctors maily for physical treatment, they don't feel mental sick or seeking phycological help when they have problem in mind, so they go to fortune teller, who cure their heart, solve their uncertanity, easy their stress and provide " Positive " answer, this is the procedure of mental treatment, Chinsed have their own way dealing with mental issues. Meloday didn't want to change her name, she enjoy the little happiness, little enjoyment, little achievement and little monetary support; less content enrich your heart, I wish her too hold this attitude until the end of the world.

the first encounter with Mr. Yu -- for bridge the business model developed by Mr. Lin -- my very new role as a match-maker in business arena; we met in Regent Club, I observed how Mr. Lin convince the stranger to belive in his technology ( although we didn't witness it yet )and buying his business model -- a frienchilding concept -- buy raw material from them, building the manufactue and distribution channel by the other party and paying licencing fees / royalty / tech know how transfer percentage to him in return with a revolutionary new materil in application crossing varies industry; this is a sexy approch, Mr. Lin don't obtain the big corporate experience, didn't run a company up to 100 people and know little about business negociation; I am exchange my credit for this appointment; so after the first round, we set down and review what message he delivered and what conuter issue raised by Mr. Yu and how to response to all of them before entering next stage; next week, I arrange a much bigger boss to meet him, the review and rehearsal is a must, I can't affort to wax my reputation this time.

the private talk with second largest ISP in town is positive, he followed my direction, I make it very clear that we will achieve the co-op goal for sure and will not let anything block in our way, this is for surviving, for business operaiton , so this is the story I told him. before our luch, the media gathering is an educational process, 3 big shot in the industry guilding reports about the relationship between type1 and 2 telecom operator and how the unfair competition suffer the long term development of next industry.

went home early tonight and taste the great food prepared by my wife, as the night is still young, we drove to the Taipei city zoo Mall and enjoy a cup of " TCBY ", it's a wonderful night.

take a glace at the short documentary " Little immigrate " the documentary was produced by CCTV , it covered the story of the piorneer of Chinese kid study abroad, the time was 120 years ago and ther are 100 of them, the film documented each of them and making a very touch and historic valued film, I don't know when and why it broadcasted in Taiwan, I switch chennel and found it, bt 15 minutes of viewing, I have a disire to see them all. turn to Channel 53( PBS ) after it, the program is highlight the junior high school education system in Taiwan, the debating in on -- shall we classified student by their attribution or shall we follow the normal distrubition method to allocate students; the producer for this program is a good one, the program is full of her creativity and the presentiaon of this " Hard topic " soften by her dramatic touch on the program design, such as the musical intepretation of the message, which is the brightest part in the program. a very good program in Channel 53.

Media crisis in the morning, yesterday, one ISP player invited me to join a coffee break with 3 jouralist today, he also invited another ISP executive to join, together we three are the non-domination players' alliance in some way; the purpose for this casual chat is to discuss about the overall telecom act in Taiwan and how we see the future for telecom policy regulatory; the insights from us will pave the road for thoese senior reporters to take initative in changing the unhealthy telecom enviroment in Taiwan and to bring up the unfair compeition to ISP, this is basically a media pitching, but the other ISP executive screw it up, I knew he called up one report who was not invited to the gathering today, I don't exactly know what he said, but the headline for ISP today entitled " ISP will hold a press conference to protest the unfairness from the donimate player and give pressure to the supervision authority who failed to bringing the amicalbe situration to all ISP " , this is a bomb to the dominate player who we are under serious negociation and shows a positive direction.

Thanks to my media sensitive, I call up an emergent meeting and insturted to our people :
1. clearify there's no press confeence.
2. our window to The dominater player shall immidiate contract them and inform them this is not our intention and if there's any public press party, we will not participate.
3. check the the hosting ISP what's going on and advise him to consider cancel or change the meeting location.
4. my stand point to defence the " Dominate player vs Japane Electronic Giant " war.

the other ISP executive is a trouble maker, I don't evne understand he is too smart or too stupid to turn this situation so complicate.

Professor Lixin called by 6:00 pm and advised that the media reform association have achieve a milestone which is successfully persuade government to release TTV and CTS 's stock to Public forecasting System and to integrate a larger scale of public TV platform, this is to conduct the ultimate mission -- transform the current media environment to a healthy environment, idelogloy is the attribute of scholars and they win the first battle. Then I must think deeper, as I am the planned pocket candidate to run this new public platform, but until now I am mutual to this career move, as lixin told me he write one essay on major newspaper and make an assumption of " we need someone like Roger to lead the new PBS and turn around the jeopardized PSB in Taiwan ", this proclaim sounds exciting, but to think again, I know I am out of the candidate picture ( well, this is no big deal as well ), all the political exercise ( I treated the PBS ownership battle a good example ), candidate can't be explore under the sun, once you release your kitchen cabinet or press his or her name on the media, the counter player will easily identified where there target enemy are, then , they can goes higher up and screw up this opportunity, all the political game is the game of trading the interested, they do have something to sell to the decision party, and no matter how integrity I am, they can dig my dirty easily, before nomination, I will be gone. Altogether the PBS GM is not a good vacancy for entrepreneur, but it is a symbol means a lots to other people; by now, I am 80% sure that the games lixin designed is failed.

Meet with Thomas the first time last night, cyber home -- the branded consumer electronic rising star in Europe and US, with 4 listed companies in Taiwan and forecast a annual revenue at 40 billions NT, via the introduction of Jean, she pull us together for the possible Performance Industry investments, the appointment comes very sudden, we confirmed the meeting in one day and set a dinner together, I brought E. With me and she is the main character in this business, I am only the liaison to bridge the investment -- as Jean did for Thomas; he is interested in a bigger picture, the synergy on top of the investment, as this is the first time we met, we only throw out a few ideas, he is very into media industry and I can tell people surround him were not qualified to lead him to the media / entertainment world, no true player on the table, I am afraid he will loose some blood in the media investment.

last office session yesterday is the overall performance review for our employee, we review the grading / appraisal rank / salary adjustment percentage and promotion suggestion list; this is a very interesting session, both me and COO share almost the same thought to people we think should promote or earn more; as salary increasing is an indivisual achievement -- can be done freely as long as thy keep it with them, promotion is an open recognition -- shall be carefully review, otherwise the noise level will be high; we took 2 hours to finalized the list and identified 6 persons to be further interviewed by COO -- to find out the rationale behind their demotivation. We -- executive office can only increase ( to help mangers ), but can't decrees ( take away their authority ) salary. Other than this, to garner a broader view, I asked HR chief to change the salary increase figure to 500NT as the minimum increase amount, otherwise, 1% increase for lower base employee, they will only receive 1 hundred more money, when receive pay check, they will feel like a insulation, and second is to rounded to hundreds, this give the accounting dept a better calculation accuracy.

I thinks most of the people will be happy about the promotion and salary adjustment we did this year.


Tomorrow is the day for my blog anniverary; my continuely writing in English make it a habit for a while; recap on the first wirting article, this memory will keep and last for my kids to read, when they grow up. they will know how their father grow in early-mid forties, I am not sure if this is a heritage from my father who writing diary in Chinese every day for decades, I don't have the chance to review them all, to know a person is to read what he wrote, listen to what he said and watching what he done; father is a strager to me, he and my mother -- how they know each other, getting married, shared value, building the family .. I knew so little and I don't really want to know more; no one shall curse someone's marriage, not to mention your present, if the marriage didn't happen, you won't be on earth; but Live happily together is a fairy tale, this is waht I observe from my parent, they don't have a problem of getting along, but they have a big gap in value propsititon and they seldom travel together, I don't know if my father's diary illustrate his marriage, and I will never know how they evaluate their marriage. when my kid read what I wrote, they may make their own comparison.

Fruit have a fantasy about marriage, she thought marriged is like us -- her parent, love and respect each other, sharing feeling ans walking hand in hand. this is a gold for every family bulder. now and forever.

The learning from last Carrier meeting is : changing the discussion sequence and not following the proposed agenda can disturb the negociation strategy for the counter party; I didn't know this tactic is on purpose or not, but when the last meeting commence, our agenda is like : talk about the difficulties first, then see how it can be fair treat and then bringing the beef as the after good intention treatment, as we present the agenda first -- by preparing the hand out, Chairman asked the attending party ( the non negociation team ) to offer what's on their pocket before run into the agenda. This is so smart. By doing this change, the counter party can really taste the beef before deciding what to counter offer, and it will give the other party a better negociation ground.

Bundle negociaiton is normal to see, what to be " trade-off " on and off the table is quiet important, how to value the exchange terms ? Everyone have their perspective, commercial term have nothing to do with fairness, don't forget " the winner take it all " rule in the commercial jungle.

I like the creative change of this negociation tactic, no matter it's on purpose or not, it really hold the ball and can flexibility alter the strategy anytime during the negociation process, this is what I learned and this is not to set any bottom line.

the other tactic is urge everyone in the meeting room to speak, if the counter party didn't have a story board to follow and don't have a script on hand, the invitation from meeting Chairman can easily explore the inconsistency of the party and to disclose some information which the " representative speaker " didn't want to release. Be sure to inform all the attendee in your side to follow the story and script, not to add on any personal opinion on the negociation table. This is the second lesson I take from the meeting.

Jean arrange a long distance appointment for me and Me. Chen, the result in advance is I will miss my exercise tonight; I am not hungry for any new investor for the performance business, but to keep the good faith with Jean and introduce to Yu. the new potential partner won't be a lost for anyone, so, I take this short notice and invite Ella to attend it together with me.

Yesterday, when over heard the yelling and high voice from the meeting room next door, I don't feel comfortable, one of our colleage is yelling at her superior, althoght they are having a close door meeting, but the noize travelling to my office and should be heard by other employee as well; I don't really care who's right or wrong, but I value someone to communication in decent manner, especially in an organization the hirechy is some how need to be abeyed; the staff having this attidue problem for quite a long time and it seems no one in the dept. or even in the compnay dare to let her know her weakness in communication; I don't understand why, but I know if this situation carry on, then she won't grow and won't reconiged her own problem; we are all working for the working, why placing barricade in front of other empolyee and why use your professism as a weapon and wave to your manager ? no one in the corporation is undisposable, I do concern it a lot and sending a mail for COO, I need him to fix this unrapport climate and to coach the person who have this attitude problem.

Having Woolong noodle along for lunch, I am too good-taste oriented, last Sunday, the blood presure raised up to 150, the warning sign keep me from eating too much, for the last 2 days, it back to normal and I can't help myself to indulge with the pork noodle; don't forget the wisdom from ancient -- " the Great eat for living, the Fool live for eating ", why the 5% sensor in our toug can drive our body and soul to the " gourment searching ", and develoing to the " Eating culture ", human being have too much defeat and I am among the can risist good food groups.

thesis develop so slow, too many excuese and lack of good reason, if this is what I can and should control now, then do it now.

Dinner with M. who we met 2 more years ago in a semina, at that time, his company is top 5 in our industry and he himself jump in the feild 10 years before and was the enpreprenure then, the occation we knew each other was interesting, the seminar took place in Lalu -- the gogues resort in Central Taiwan, he brought his family with him - include his brother in law, we didn't offically introduced when met, then when taking the elavotor to our rooms, I heard his brother in law mention to his daughter -- he hold her in his arm, comport her that the surgenry next week will kill her pain, then she will regain a healthy heart, I realized that the little girl suffered from a heart problem and will process a critital surgery following week, this trip is the pre-operation family tour; I called my wife at night and share this encounter with her.

we met finally at the breakfast table , and he is a senior in the industry, I asked a few question , basically , they all relate to how to gain a bigger picture in this competative yet slim margin business; then we shake hand to each other and send a " keep in touch " message. that was 2 more years ago, and no body believe we are doing the right thing, jump to the tubulance and trying to make a living in ISP.

then we met a few times for the past 2 years, together with his brother in law -- who I found an interested person and when converstaion devloped, we even notice that we have a mutual friend as well; so the intimacy built but no business cross between us.

9 months ago, the bankrupcy news of this company drop a bomb in the market, it didn't suprise people, even though this company listed in HK and with primary invetor from Singpore, there' no way to turn around if you are no good in certain area. he miss from my telephone book until 2 weeks ago.

the dinner was an introduction of his new investor or boss who equipped with an finacial and invsetment backgroud, a smart gentelman; the restaurant M. pick are always pleasant, " Three Wells " Japnaese cretive cursine ( fusion ) is so delicioue. as I had a follow up meeting with the twice classmate, Mr. Lin so I left earlier -- but it passed 10:00pm already.

Mr. Lin called me last weekend and wish me to come to his house this meeting between met with my friend; he is keen in establish the platform in IP / Enprepurner / Acdemeic / New tech,Material. he hold a passion in the project, I think this proposal was derive from his MBA thesis; his strategy behind it to create a credital board with respect public figures, then license tech / new material from inventors who have difficulty in handling business negociation and business operation; the holding company conpect can then develop to a interchangeable platform for entrepunor-to-be and industry people. My comment to his dream is " this is a proxy structure, endosement and credit prove the model, all those public figures skeptical to endose for who they don't trust or what they don't know, they are fragile and afraid of ruining their creit and reputation " -- how to make belive those new invetion will turn the world around and the future is brighten then our expecation ? but I like his therory support -- from ecomonist Peter Shun -- how to give great motivation for captialist keep investing and what is the incentive to drive entreprunurship further and help grow the global economic.

Done the talk around mid-night, I am little bit tired and feel a little bit uncomfortable, wife came to pick me up and we share the ' Sound " problem again, he is too smart to be control , and he it too smart to keep him away from all the supervision.

Mom's TV didn't broke, the safe of 50,000 contribute a trip to Hulian / Taitong which I planned myself yesterday and we decided to send Sound and Fruit to Summer Camp in YiLan -- a sub-program from the famouse and highly reconiged YiLan Kid Festival.


I joint the farewell committee's meeting today for discussion the company trip, empolyee company trip is a tradition in Taiwan, this was cause by the booming of ecomonic in mid-80th, at that time, overtime is essential for workers and the manufacturing industry was the main exporting business in Taiwan, to keep / retain and reward employees, almost all the local factory / company introducing the overseas company trip as , an incentive to recurit new worker , thanks to the manufacuring growth, trading and bussiness sector grow as well. all the local company adapt the trip as an tradidtion, international company have to follow the local practice to retain the employee they hire.

When I was the head of Sony Music 8 years ago, that's really a hey day for music industry, I break a few records and set some new rewarding system, company trip become a big deal for employee in Sony Music Taiwan, we've done the famous " Swissland / Italian Trip ", a 9 days trip covered Swissland and Italy. this is the topic for many ex-Sony Music employee, and it do cause some management problem for my superior than, why Taiwanese company can enjoy this prestigus only? giving the fact that we are the tier one company doing great job and earning decent margin for the parent, so, the journey continue ---- Brisbun Australia; Bali ; Pukate;

the new start up didn't earn itself the reward for incentive trip, but as an tradition, I do encourge our company to take up this activity as a method of buliding the team, forming a musch rapport company; last year, we do a inbound trip -- Hulian and Taitong, it was really fun, the trip we took is an luxury one, best hotel , best food,.. this year, I propose an oversean trip, they are picking a few location such as Bali, Hong Kong and Okinawa -- Okinawa is what I suggested as the flight time is only 45 minutes and you can enjoy the totally new experience. we they need to conduct a poll before decide the place, I sublty ask the committe member to exercise on this location and do some pre promotion.

Okinawa is the first place I visit out of the country, and this is my first oversean trip -- a honey moon trip, that's almost 18 years ago, I recalled the day of departure, Eric Liao -- my colleage voluntee to pick me up to the airport, but his was delayed, he drove like craze on the super highway and we finally make it to the airport on time; that's 18 years ago, Eric got married and divoced, we lost contact for about 6 years, his brother -- my classmate in colleage is another missing link.

Celion told me a lot about PBS, it varified a few question mark in my heart and she is sharp in analye what she sees; following are what I want to take note before anything turn to reality:

1. Media reform is to establish a proport media format, with the support of goverment body, but not the political party, to correct the worsten meida environment in Taiwan -- the commercial driver, lost of media idololody, did't promot good value.
2. The person who run PBS, is half a public figure, he must bulid the value system ( hirache ) in his mind and find the " middle road " to carry out this holly mission.
3. Once you run a NPO, you will enjoy and maybe seduce to its ideology and it block you return to the fancy world of commercial competiton.
4. This is a " Do something " metality instead of find " Something to do ", when the public request to know, you must provide the " public " angle which mean, to reflect the normal distribution norm of the voices in this island.
5. Turn the vicious cycle to a positive cycle, feed our views a healthy " content " or " context "

I am not ready yet.


Thanks God the chairman set up the appointment with us on Thursday morning, although it's only one hour, as I sent the insiders' advice to all the delegate this morning, this good news sharing in between stimulate everybody.

Lunch with C. the reconnection is exciting, after she got married , we are sort of lost contact, The PBS inquiry bring me courage to call upon her, surprisely I found her on last weekend, then I learned that she got her Master Degree from Beijing University and return from China 2 weeks ago, we set up the lunch appointment right after the conversation, today, is the first time we met since she become someone's wife.

Dramatic change happen to her, as I know what she is doing, I am a little bit shocked, so young and become so important, pan green really appreciate young and energetic talent; she was recruited as the head of administrative in Taiwan thinktank, and I know it just now; when talking about the potential in PBS, she is so exciting, then I discovered that she recommended me to high ranking officers without my knowlege, this surprise me agian, how come so many young man / woman tried to pave the road for me and lead me to the public sector ? as our conversation developed so rapid, too much word to be continute,she suggested to conduct a Monday lunch as a routine, I am happly accept it, now I should think how to pick the right restaurant every Monday.

I talked to my wife in bad last night before sleep, I talked a lot, for about an hours I think, after measure the blood presure, the figures was not pleasing, high presure rose to 150, and low presure up to 96, maybe I didn't follow my eating rule last week, I should be more careful about my eating; the subjects which I talked was the relationship between our company, the dominater carrier, me and Chairman, as I though I am walking on the thin ice, the relationship between me and the Chairman can go sored anytime, if we make him angry, if his surbodinate feel the winds blowing the other direction, we will never obtain chances to improve the negociation with them, the door for me and the Chairman will be shut down; my wife warned me not to lost patient with our colleage, especially don't make them feel I am uncomfortable; I am thinking to escalate the negociation strategy to higher level and involved the world wide executive, my wife thinks this is not smart and I throwing problems back to them, why they need me here; then I digest to a compromise idea which is to have my direct supervisor writing Chairman a letter, and the letter convey the message from globle executive and setting the follow up meeting accordingly; I am planning to propose this idea today.
the other problem I probe with my wife is the political situation in Taiwan, we tried very hard to figure out who should be next Presidencial Election campaign parner with Majoy Ma, we found no one, as this candidate must fit a few qualification below :
1. Taiwanese native - to balance the southern Taiwan citizen.
2. A PTP member - as last election James Sung sarcrifice himself next to Lian Chan and the campaign fails, KMT should compasate this time.
3. Female -- to win the woman votes.
4. Expert in certain administrative area -- such as Cross-Strait relationship or Ecomonic Development.
when searching around the elite group in Taiwan, we found no one fit this critiria, I am worried, and worried if Pan-blue lost next Presidential election, they will become the oppisition party for next decade and the green will paint Taiwan anyway they want. I even thought writing a letter to Major May and voluntee to be the campaign planner from now on, he need some one to do it for him now privately, he have too much headache to fix in public.....
Yesterday, United Diary newspaper publish an article written by Mr. Cheng, who we met on Thursday -- he is the Chief of Culture Bureau in Chayi county, the article he wrote is to suppor a recently published book " How rocking roll change the world ", now the answer arrived, I really don't know why Chayi county would like to host the summer Asian music festival, he must be the brain behind the project; by reading his article, I knew he is a rock fan before, how interested to see so many old time rocking roller paticipate in political environement now, as told before, 2 major kitchen cabinet for Chen Sui Bain were rocking roller too; as Mr.Su gave me the newspaper clipping the other day, I am thinking to put together with my book, send it to him with a short note; can rocking roll run Taiwan or change Taiwan? I don't know, but this is a great topic to be explored.

I woke up this morning by 6:00 am, so early and don't feel tired, am I enter the mid age statue? do I need to take Menderdonin to resume better sleep ? after mid age, a lot of physical issue must be dealt with, the only place won't get old is the brain, but sometimes, brain can't control the body; so, the blog posting today is in an early morning.

I can't forget what my wife advise me,the only thing I can control now is to finish my thesis on time, If I fail to deliver it, no one can be blamed except me, make it the one and only priority for rest of the month and produce the thesis which I feel comfortable with.


50,000 NT make both of us laugh, me and my wife, tonight, before the American Hero movie featuring The Rock ( I can't remember title of the movie ), we went to a cafe which use to be a ice-bar, this ice bar existed for about 30 years, I visit it quiet offen since I was a hight school student, I had a lot of memories with this ice bar, it located in front of a movie thearter, when I was a kid, go to the movies is the entertainment I always take, before the movie in hot summer days, enjoy the red bean ice is a great endulgent; the coversation with the ice bar owner developed on varies of my life change, it like an old liqier bar you offen visit, then the bar tender familar with eveything about you, first you, then your family; a very long introduction of the ice bar didn't relate to the 50,000 NT, but I have to introduce the backgroud before jumping to the topic; the ice bar owner change or redecorated the bar for a few times, this time, he convered it to a Italian cafe with traditional Taiwanese ice, in order to cope with the new deco, he bought a new LED TV and hang it on one side of the wall, this advance TV caught both me and my wife's attention, then I asked how much this TV cost him, he said it's about 50,000 NT, then I turn to my wife and said : Maybe we should consider to change the TV in my mothers' room,, as she complained about the TV in her room yesterday and asked to buy a new one with her own money, I am upset cause I know I have to pay it again, I suggested to my mother to have some machanism fix it before purchase a new one, she kept silence, then my wife knew I was angry about this request because I am the son always need to satisfied my mothers' demand -- basically the demane need to be fulfill with decent money; so, she kept slienc until I told her that we should replace the LED TV to my mother, she laughed and told me she said to my mother today already and give her 50,000 NT for purchasing a new one, my wife would not tell me because she said I was so upset yesterday.
We are made to be couple, she laughed and told me now she can disclosed the 50,000 NT she withdrew from the ATM, we both agree my parent can't enjoy a very long time in any material world, so , simply give what they asked, but I am the only person support the entire family and it seems nobody appreciate my hard working except my wife, we laughed for a long long while, she really knows me and she is the person behind me and sometimes won't let me see the shadow of herself.
The Rock featured movie is a straight forward American value and hero film, a one man with justice againt the rotten system and using violence as the means of solution, well, we love this kind of arrangement becaues it shows how weak we are and how we escape from performing the indivisual justice on diary life; but American buy it more than other country, this value turn it to a World Policy Regulator and light a few unnecessay war in the world; today's headline show the people President Bush speaking with Pope, Pope made a strong statement of how Bush should not raise the war to Iraq and the prison abuse should not take place, I don't read the entire speech, but the world religion leader's comment weight heavy than others, this is another American Policing story.
Brought Sound to a Royal Italian Geleto restaurant, his mother asked me bringing him to a ice cream restaurant, feed him with sweet and guild him to do his home work there, well, we had a good time there, I thought after it we will reading some book there, but Sound would like to play PS2 at home with me, so, we went home earlier than my wife's expecation.
No more news about the PBS , I am a little bit disappointment , as this is a turning point force me think more; S. offer didn't arrived as well, this won't keep me worry as we had the answer alreay; CHT negociation in the last stage, I don't know the limitation of me and Chairman, even thought everything is under the sun, all we get shall be enjoyed by others,next week will be another week of negociation, COO is exciting about the process of negociation, he is kind of blood thirsty -- if I put it to compare with Vampire, then my interpretation may stand.
I bridge 2 appointment with Mr. Lin -- twice classmate, no one knows how it will developed, but this is a positive beginning. let's wait and see.

My daughter asked me to find a Taiwanese ( Fochanese ) folk song for her, and teach her how to sing it, this is one of the homework form school, she is now 12 and in her primitive school grade 5; since Chen Shui-Bai administrate took over the reigm of this country in 2000, pro-Taiwan and de-China is a core concept in his adminstrative operation, we see a lot of new Taiwan concept and constructions and the Taiwan ideoloigy have been promoted all over the world, some claime it a pre-indepency activity, and some claim it that this approch will driving China mad and might lead to the war between Taiwan and China; I am not a politician, have no commet on this big picture, but as a father, I do follow the minor change but giant inpact on the text book development.

My son is now on his first grade, I read both of their text book, when it come to History or Social topic, the Taiwan spirit jump so high that our kid can only accept it, the foundemental change will make our next generation agree with Taiwan but not China at all, no matter it in culture recognition or geografice recongition; my son need to practice Taiwanese every week, the pronoucation is so difficult, as Taiwanese is dilect, it's spoken language, no written pattern have been developed before, it's tought for both teacher and student, learning new languare is good thing, but, leaning dilect won't do any good for the future of kids.

Once I told a senior person that we ( middle 40's ) are in the trasaction era, I don't agreen with totally green or totally blue, but since the green take over the controlling power, they educate our kids all the green thought, green spirit and green value, when our kids grow up, we will have a fight with them, cause they know nothing but the independency and viewpoint from the green authority, the new genaration gap will not come from the monetary or living style, but very possibly coming from the nationalism.

a few people sent their children abroad for study Chinese now, they believe to learn Chinese in China is the purest way, I didn't follow this assumption as Red China need to inject their ideolology throught all forms of eductional system, our kids can't espcape from this toxicated methodology as well. Parent is very import, they need to find a nutural way to teach and adjust their children, give their children a broader view to see the world.