
New Date

I have been pushing myself to determine the annoucing day earlier than prior consideration. now I set Nov. 10 for announcing my regination message, and planning to inform Tokyo ambassdor early next week.

To revise on the final date was mainly due to C's too busy engaging in public setor and couldn't follow all the project outside, but as we had initative the first project, we have to clearly set our goal to make it a ignite project for our future. if no one there to executive the plan, everything will be in vain, if no brain there to think big and think hard, then we will ultimately turn out to be the servant for the public sector, yet the guildance for them. this is why I must move forward and move quicker. to count the days, it's 85 days before the annoucement.

Let go of the leagel specilist in our company result to the pain in the ass, not to my surprise, she sent the attornery letter to people involved in her resignation, of course, I am on the accusation list, any way, this is not beyond my surprise, but when the manager want to do it, I have told them to caculate all the risk, so.... stupid.


Scruinitize and Press Party

We held a press party in the morning of 13th for official opening of our ECmall - Ichiban market; the second new business initative we launch in the fisical year.

Although I am not fully prepared for my speech and Q/A session, but with my experience and the skill of presentation, I managed to deliver a good brief speech and perform my role as expected. the delay and mis-treatment of accounting practice cause a further 43 millions deficit in the coming year and it gave me great presure to convince top management in Tokyo how to achieve the revised budget. Newly elected Chariman of the board and Head of the umbrella company S. attending the press conference as VIP. we follow some Japanese Tradition, a big Sake wooden barrel centered on the stage , the honored guest hamming on the wooden seal, then the sake sprout out , a reflection of water mirrow effect, it's kind of fun. media attendacne rate is high and I would expect to see follow up explosure. but this is only for PR. the real business itself is trapped in a bad situation, 25% of the day pass. we achieve 4% of the sales. another monster is poaching us. so beat it. without the " Drop Dead Money ", but I should be equipped with " Drop Dead Guts "

In the afternoon. sent to present our budget mumber in a scrunitized manner. S. conduct the meeting with untrustful approach, he spend more then 2 hours challenge the accuracy in forcasting , the accuracy of target achievement and the logic behind the numbers we come out. I am fine as I already made up my mind, but I wonder the director who attended together with me can have the relilence to obsorb such a presure from a top top executive. I didn't burst out with any emotion, I didn't debating on any thing, but simply follow the flow and be there - physically. as the plan is rolling out, there's no return, as S. mentioned at our monthly gathering, it's a V2 situation, the aircraft is taking off now, it either landing safe or crash somewhere, I am my own pilot now and am taking my aircraft in a V2 status also, we deperture the same time, but the landing destination is totally different.

Invite M. over for dinner, as she is my financial administrator, I need to know how much I need to handle next 2 years and what to be arrange as I am going my own way. I explanied to her the current corrolation between these relationship and seeking her support as always. my fate and fortune will heaving counting on the ladies in Virgo.

C. didn't got time for discuss yesterday, it gave me a very slight feeling of if I too rush or I am running too fast that she can't catch up? thanks for her call and I realized we were both in a situation that we were pushing out of the current position. it deserve another long day of discussion. I better prepare it now for the K-Study center meeting - another secret place I discovered for the temporary reslove at start up.


189 days - my final countdown

My final count down to take off the hat for CEO is 189 days, idealy, I would like to make March. 31, 2005 the final day in this company and the end of my career at this multi-national company.

if things went wrong or good, then the day may come even earlier; I told myself and my wife, the communication between me and Tokyo for this decision will fall in Mid-Nov. she easily pick up the date - Nov. 10th, my 46th birthday. on that day, I will declear my last working day ( if they accept it )and help to tranfer my role to whoever then think qualify to be my succesor.

E. is the first to know in my company, as a long time colleage and my executive assistant from day one, I asked if she willing to join me - the first time I asked my colleage to join me in a brave new world, she say YES with a big smile, I feel so good, she said to me this is my first time inviting her for coffee and she was right about 2 things out of 3 - first 2 are : I will leave the company and take her with me, what's third ? I asked her, the answer was so cute : warning her not to gain weight, what a lovely lady,

Calling Celion and Wife about the good result and we are now 4 in a team, I need to do a lot of things right now.


The debut journey of starting up

「I take the road less travelled, although we are not hand in hand; how happy I am to know that I am not alone, and you are the shadow next to me, a giant shadow much taller than me, a shadow with faith, confidence and commitment」, it all came suddently, the push and pull of the trigger project " International Youth Travel " turn on to me my regination signal, it echo to the voice deep in my heart - don't be scared, be positve and go your own way.

On Sep.8, we started our first journey of " Side Project " start up discussion, in order to make the trip a good space for discussion, we give up the idea of venture route - even I purchase the Ping-Shi side-tract train, instead, we take the MRT to Tamsui - where we can easily spend a day talk and share. I brought her to a few places in Tamsui where she never visited before, such as the Red Castle - where we structure our schedule, the Black Shop restaurant- where we enjoy the famous deep flied spare rib bowl, the sea shore cafe - where we clearify my uncertainty of join CTS / PTS.

The long day meet and talk came out with 10 project in first year, we take Sep. the launch month to ink our partnership - Fair and Continuely is what she addressed yesterday, I tried to take note, obserb her feeling / thinking and draft the schedule according to our discussion. On Sep. 9 planing trip schdule came out at Champain K-Reading house - where I compline my MBA essay , a place whre I can concentrate in thinking and writing, where my productivity and efficiency were high and strong.

Sep. 9, I delivered the drift to her and discussed a few concept about presenting the IYT with her. she is sharp and she is professional, I witness her decisive and determine way of conceed her will, he worked and educated the govenment staff with a firm and strong attitude. and it get things done so quick. I am impressed.

Sep. 10, jointly visit Kororo, a vendor I introduct to take up the project and at the same time to let her experienct and conduct an accessment, checking if Kororo is qualify to be our vendor or production house in the future. she is professional, at the presence, she is fine , after the meeting, we continue our second part of discussion. she was strong and asked if we can change our vendor for doing this project? I am not shocked but explained to her why doing this is because of learning curve and some financial arrangement we must take. she accept it and share with me , the money we allocat might be totally waste, but she is fine with it.

I share with her my ture inner part -- chicken shake ; afrain of death, what if our entrepernour turn out to be a fail project? I told her to me, this is my last and only chace to do something on my own. and how about her ? she responsed, the chance of failure will never come, even if it happend, there will be no sorrow, no regret. then she told me that she never wanted to maintain any long relationship with anyone. Ma is her husband, this is what she need, her mother is the personal mutually independent with her and.... to start something together, this is the best of the best...... I am touched again, the rare occasion she shared, and I fully understand now... I thank her with all my heart.

I told J. and J yesterday that I make a decision already, March 31, 2006 will be my last working day at S. the day can only come earlier. the integraty in my heart told me I should reveal it with Tokyo no latter than Dec. the driver in me lead me to everything but current company, I have lost my heart in what I am doing now and fully focus on new venture, new company and new project.

I treat it my only and last chace to show off in the world, but with the social capitalist in mind, we are not alone. we will re-distribute the social capital for those who need it and from those who have too much.