Omedesendo Hill
A trip to Tokyo, this time, with only one mission - get to know 88th update and see in what element we can build the platform together. and bring my wife with me, this is more like a trip for pleasure than others.we took EVE Hello Kitty flight - the cabinet painted with the Charator Hello Kitty and provide all the material in the flight with the symbol of Hello Kitty, even the desert come with lunch using the shape of Hello Kitty as well.
The plane landing by 7:10 Tokyo time, according to my previous experience, if we can process the immegation faster, we have chance to catch up the 7:43 Narita Express and to check in our APA Villa Hotel before 9:15 pm. the immigration is faster than i expect, so we managed to be in the hotel and go out for Laman dinner.
Follow day, before my 6 pm dinner and meeting, I took wife to the famous Omedasendo Hill, a new mall design by the architecture , his style - concrede and grey color with brilliant space design making this MALL a Must see for tourist.after this, we visit the other famous landmark in Omedesendo - the Plastic Prada store. on the same street, wife brought me a pair of new shoes - a Camper Brown shoes and the very high-tech shirt - A-poc , A New way of producing one and only shirt with high tech, the patent and invention were done by the renowed Ishha Miyaki.
Dinner with Itoh-san is good, the point is to have him think BIG, not to limited and hind in the shell of Producer, but to extend to a lable / mangement / international approach, he is willing to help me, this make me so touched. our flower to his office is the first I see, I should send him something to deco his office next time. I am thinking of integrate resource to this music initative, candidate are : Itho from Japan, Martin from Singpapore, Chris from HK, TMSK from China, Coco from HK, Sky from Taiwan... see what happen.
the third day in Tokyo is simply have a tour in the airport Mall, we take the 11 o'clock Express to the airport, arrived by 12 ,check in at 1220 and have our short tour before boarding by 1335.
Miss Lin is an excellent campaign in exercise together.
will see Wu Shung this afternoon.