
2 Great speeches I gave and Father's situation

Quainchen Unviersity seminar " Future of digital music - with or without techonology " and CHT Training for " Improve the culture appreciation" are 2 of the best speeched I ever delivered. this is a very strong message for regaining he confidence when facing public, the training from multinational corporation is a value to be respect.

Father faint and send to emergency on the day of my Tainan speech, return home and send him the second time in the early morning of 3rd. to Taida university hospital. a differece feeling approching.

A. offer a virture CEO position with funder's share as incentive. I will take it.


Building for your own stage

Quinshang technology university seminar was a good one, inviting MA to join me and conduct a dialouge in the first session of the seminar. I tried very hard to avoid the " Talking Head " syndrome, I can tell the overall response were positive, it may won me a change to geat an Assistan Professor's position if everything goes well.

The prepapation of the speech is really pay off, the 4 and half house study and undate turn me to the profession which I was before, I need the public appearance to keep me in the health loop. and I realize to build your own stage is a very important step to go forward.

Bough the May issue of Global View. as this is the CSR special issue, Celine did an interview on behalf of me and Lichun, I was asked to shoot some photo with logo 2 weeks ago, we thought this might be the first press event we did since starting our consultaning company, when flipping the magazine, it was there, there's no article about the interview, neither in the report nor in the insert, I was really really disappointed, when working for multinationals. I tried not to appear on too many media , and ignoring what they say even when it come up with good coverage. but now, everything changed. you don't have a stage, you don't equip with the brand helo, you become nobody, reality bite, and it hurts too, I have to understand the real world and prepare for the coming struggle, one day, yes, I will have a huge stage, a stage to accomodate any thing, thanks for the book I brough with me, the biography of Chairman of KDDI, he teach me how to positivly look at your future, if you SEE the success, it will come. and the good or bad were determined by your heart. you have to belive. I will.

I can't be too lazy about the starting your own business, if I don't work hard for my own, who else will?

father's heart problem give me some nervous, and it cause the unpleasant feeling of my wife, who thought of taking care of him when he have to go through the sick and terminal stage. I can sense how she feels, but, what can I do? I have my own problem to solve.

on the train back to Taipei, I finalize the CHT speech outline, the topic of " How to grow your culture habit " this is a bad translation and this is also a very tough topic to address, since this is the first assignment from CHTF, I will try my best to turn a very boring topic to a vivid leraning process. Passion and Belive. don't forget " Winner make it happen, loser let it happen "

Eating too much Tainan delicacy for the last 2 days, I may gain another 2 kilogram, get the prescription from Sidney, I shall be response for the gaining weight, and I shall keep in a good sharp. from work to health, this is a must , for bringing new life to my blood.


Who should build the stage for you

The answer is quite clear, me, myself, when crying of losing my stages for months, I trapped in a deep hole, don't know which way to go, trapped deep and hard. I shall recover fromt his very bad situation, putting myself back. be my own master,and to build the stage of my own.

no matter whether it's hard or easy, I choose the road, then there's no regret, I can't complain about sleeping late due to wife's sweet wisper, can't complain about my early home because of nothing to do in the office.

I do have many things to do, to perform and to perfect, I can't wast my life in my own trap, this is not me, not a man who triy to find his highest goal, and now is only the very beginning.

I will be back tomorrow, to bring the good spirit again and tried my best to find the solution in me, I know it will be .