
Can't sleep well last night, my wife said this is a left stimulate from the Forum, I am too hype about the itimacy created; maybe she is right, the other factor she dignosis is the presentaiton I am gonna do today, the impression management, maybe she right again; the sleeping quality wasn't good for last few weeks, I planned a Kenting trip to revitalize my body and soul, losing 7 kigogram deserve a holiday at beach, no matter what message the HQ bring next Wed.

I am not going to secure any free tickets from classmate, the good intention may not serve properly as I found the close friend who asked for the premium didn't show up in the last minutes, this is turely a waste of time, commitment is commitment, reputation can't be ruined by these kind of ignorance.

Itoh-san is coming tonight, accompany them for 2 days as co-host, I am happy to see old friend coming and expect to see him soon.


Participating on Forum the first time, after the strategic conversation with Chairman Chen, chen is much mature and more sofisicated than the lobbist; I appreciated his greeting and value my knowledge in management expertise, so I agree to join the executition committe as an advisor to review the Public Media Group establish development.

arrive at D.'s office by 12:00 , J and I arrvied punchuality, as new members, we are afraid of breaking any rules set by the forum members; a sandwitch lunch prepared for us, forum members share how they value the meeting and share it with the potential trainer -- a Harvard Gradulate PhD.; new members' introduction followed after the lunch conversation, we were not told to prepare for it, fortunately I bring my introduction file with me, with everyone's consensus, I take it as a rehearsal for tomorrow; I think the imprssion managerment worked, my creativity in conduction my introduction reflesh they how to prepare an conprehensive introduction.

Update is a routine for every one to share what happened during the break, family / business / health and personal are 4 segment they share each other, the time allocation is 5 to 10 minutes per members, Emergency is a key discussion session, one member present his difficulty and invite other members' opinion or assistance at the table, for today, it took 2 hours , from the interactive session, I can feel how openess and honest bring the positive value to the forum,

Dinner hosted by chariman D. he pick one local restaurant with great taste, everybody is so happy with the arrangement; I am not sure is the emergency been solved, but I can see everyone is so into the situation and tried their best to provide help.

One of the YPO members burst out scandle and been caught up by papparidly weekly magazine, he married a drama actress one year ago, enrolled in YPO last month, the scandle may bring negative impact on his attending the members' event. the Next Magazine is so powerful in tearing a person apart, especially when you are targeted as an celebrity.

I didn't hear my snor last night, nor did my wife, the last night call from the director disturb me and interrupted my sleeping quality; stay up late and can't sleep happend to me seldom; early in the morning, my wife kindly comfort me and wish the troublesome will go away these days.

I scheduled the short break by end of the month, planning to bring my wife to Kenting -- the sub-tropical flouvored southern Kenting Pennisula, I dream of sand, sea, breeze and total relazation; reading and embrance warm sun in the winter, I can almost capture the fantasy in front.

Lost 6 kilogram so far, within one month, this is a great achievement, I think the medicine I took can be terminated in 2 weeks, no wonder when taking the ping pong exercise last night, team mate come up with an assumption why I improve my skill so rapid, thanks to my light body now, it help ifted my legs more quick and response to the fast ball more precisely.

request for an entertainment expense this morning for hosting 88 on Sat. night, this is a return favor for his hospitally during our board members' Tokyo Studio trip; I send message to L. and inform the visit of 88, he didn't response at all, end of the relationship is clear, I am not feeling pity, but I won't rationalized his thoughs or minds as this is a basic manner for any mature person; no matter you are born with sliver spoon or not; inferior make you hamble, respect make you honor, I am who I am, the charactor and personality will carry me forward with or without fortune.

Reading Forum Handbook yesterday, it is a profound tool to understand how a member should properly react during a Forum meeting, by reading this hand book, I gradually realized how YPOer' value the Forum so hight; this is a great tool to be developed and the goal to become a " Better Man " is an universal value. today is my debut Forum, with excitement, I am ready to be in the clicque.

Members presentaion will take place tomorrow, as this is the only window to conduct my Impression Management, the rehearsal must be carefully process, I should do it at least twice before the presentation session.

Complete reading Yang's article this morning, the English nickname publish told the whole story about her last 6 years, I think she is positvely looking at the future and encourgeing people who suffer the cancer as she did; she left a message advised that she will heading for a South Africa tour alone, eveyone in her situation garner every right to decide and play his life; by far, 4 years passed, she should cherish her life more.

Chairman Chen will visit me again in the office in 15 minutes, be nice to him and be gentel as a true leader.


The lobbist called by 11:00 pm to my house; my wife pick up the phone and told him to leave the message because I am taking a shower now; I returned his called at around 11:15; no surprise, he asked if I am interested in taking the second in command position at PTS and inform me this is the best timing to occupied the vacancy and wait for the Public Media Group passing the law, then I have great chance to transfer to a GM position under the new Public Media Group's umbrella; I didn't response in active tone but to paraphaing his pursuation; I will keep my mind clear and follow what me and my wife's mutual decision, decline the offer in good manner next week.

Why the new appointed GM can't obtain the authority to hire his right hand man ? the VP, and why the reengeering process can't be conducted by new GM, and why a capable business executive must perform the difficult task under a less-capable leader, I have too many questions in my mind but I would not tell; the new management team should take the full responsibilty in building a new Public Media Group; they chose this destiny , it's their call to make it happen; I should not suffer from this , every sacrifice must have a price, for the VP offer, this is not worth trying.

Yang's letter received yesterday, it was a collection of newspapaer write-ups she contribute as an experienced cancer petient; how she faced it, admitted it, take it and live it; from the stories she told, it may bring new hopes for those who suffer the same as her, it also can be taken as a mirrow reflecting to those who didn't develop cancer but less appreciate life; I havn't fininsh them yet.

Walking the office this morning, when seeing the orchard florist on my left cabinet, I smiled since the converstaion floated to my mind, this is the dialogue: Chariman Chen: How beautiful are those flowers ? R : Yes, it was sent by my wife who want to congradulate on me " miss " the PTS post, she said, the company I am working now needed more than I know ", this is a paradime shift, change of mood, then change your mentality and change you way of seeing things, remember, you can only see things from one angle, every object contained varies angle, discover more, digest more, grow more.

Reviewing Forum hand book on my way to the office, the think hand book can't be finished in one day, but I found it a valueable tool helping me finding a proper attitude to my first Forum meeting. Listen, Share.........


The result came out on my way home, wife called me up prepare to inform me what she saw on the newspaper, as I told her I will be home in 5 minutes, she hold the breath; open the front door, she presented me with the United Diary which published the new appointed GM of PTS, according to the news, there were 10 candidates in the selection pool, 6 out of 10 accept the interviewing invitation; of course, my hearat vibrated a little bit; wife told me to show my gentle to Chairman on Thursday and take every offer he may proposed first, then response with a consideration window, although my wife and I had the consensed not to take the second position, but should not decline the good intention immediately; I fully agree with her maturality.

Finally they choose a person with media background and running a terristrial TV station before, this combination will give the Chairman a better balancing in the future, but the purpose to select professional executive from industry and favor a person with political integrity didn't served this time; as I realized this is a difficult task, pass this opportunity can't be treated as lost in something. I should go ahead serching for a bigger , better and brighter road ahead.

I appreciate his sincere attitude again, Chen make an appointment via secretary come to see me on coming Thursday, I get the feeling that he wish to bring the message himself to show his respect to me, one way or another, or ask me to take the second position in order to compromise opinions floating all over the place; I had this gut feeling from my dreams these days, dreams of gun shot, running and other mis-fortunate which I can't recall -- I don't know it caused by the diet medicine or the unstable mood generated these days; my wife wanted me to take a normal mind toward any information I received, I totally accept it; there's no way to compromise if I need to suffer from the enormous difficulity ahead, as I won't stop the career shopping these days, my heart should come to a peaceful feeling these days, why don't I go for a movie tonight?

It was indeed a very profound chatting with J. last night at Sherwood, after he left our subsiderary company in HK, he took 6 months off, travelling to Italy for 2 months. take 3 months course at Stanford, enjoy casual living and enjoy life; he told me what inspired him the most is : Why suffer himself in a business like ISP and can't turn away pursuing other life ? I agree half of his comments; what's correct ? the hard part, ISP is really a time , energy, money consuming business, you have to devoted 100 percent to achieve milestones; what's incorrect ? if you believe in what you are doing in the begining, the things you do will never be success, no to mention you have to motivate people who share the same belive with you.

His trip to Taipei is for a road show, he worked on project base for a wireless / mobile techonology company which is on the process of share / fund raising, J. told me he would like to observe more about the owner of this technology company before deciding to join them or not; he still looking for a career in Venture Capital, we exchange idea about how a VC identify the opportunity, my idea is , it left only 2 things for VC to look after, one is distructive technology which will replace current technology and change the patter of user; second is raw material which will ultimately running out in a certain period of time.

when our conversation relate to the career ahead, we both agree that next Spring will be my best timing pursing next venture, then I successfully obtain a few executive recruiters' contact from him. this is a good side as serching from HK, I may garner a higher positon to shoot for either Regional Positon or direct access ticket to China, I should initative my contact early next week.

this afternoon, when EMBA classmate Lu visit without appointment, we chat about his consultant / advisory challenge in PWC, when I told him Media and Entertainment consultant is a strong function in PWC woroldwide, how come the presence in Taiwan is almost intangible, if his dept. strategically thinking of reaching to other field, Media is a virgin land to be discovered in Taiwan, he agreed with my insight and told me the life cycle of his current industry - Financial Service / Telecom will reach its pleatue soon, how to identify next business arena is a key for him, I asked him to conduct an internal study about the market, potential and reply to me about my idea, I may forming an consultanting arm with PWC in the near future.

anyway, I am doing nothing but shopping for new venture.

Had a meeting with S. this morning, a courtesy visit from him, S. told us he only on board for 3 weeks. yes, this is the final competitor who run for the same chair with me, a very interesting feeling arose and we had a good converstaion, I think he is qualified to run the company, it will be tough, but what else is easy these days?


Although I echoed to myself last week that the response from PTS board members' will be negative, but as today is the deadline, I can't help thinking about the answer, the quarrel with wife ceased last night, after finished my blog and relief my anger via writing, I walked down to the living room and asked her for an apology, she answered with positive attitude and told me that she wan't not in the good mood whole day, I told her whenever we feel uncomfortable, we should advise each other; then I sit down finish the last game of Taiwan Series; OX won on last inn when Cheng Cha Hou swing out the one base hit, everyone knew this this the end of the game; I am happy too although I am not very into it and I neither qualified to be an OX fan.

Sending Sound to the train station early in the morning, this week is the most important week for him, in Forest School, every semester, they will design and craft a custome make program for the semester, this time, they pick one aboriginal village as the Lerning Trip, translation to Chinese, the villiage call " The New Good Tea and Old Good Tea village ", they gonna spend the whole week there, We read the brief itinerary of the trip, on day one, they are taking the train to Kaoshung and connected with a city bus to Ping Tong -- the southern county in Taiwan, stay in New Old Tea for the first night, following 3 days, kids will carry their own bag climing for 4 - 5 hours to the Old Good Tea and camping for 2 nights, living , playing and lerning the aboriginal cluture with the villiage kids; I am so envy to Sound, in such a young age, he can gaining this rare experience even an adult hardly dream of, when he went home last Friday, we saw his scar on his face, this is a bad wound, her mother took him to the doctor and taking jelly / medicine, in the middle of the Friday night, he vomit , we send him to hospital again, doctor said he got a flu, he took medicine againg and rest for the whole Sat. We are worried about his condition and thinking of dropping from this trip, but as this is an unique experience, when saw him recovery so rapid on Sunday, we made up our mind to let him join the crew.

When sending him to the train station, on the way, I told him that he don't have to perform a duty this week, which is calling him mother every night, surprisely, his face turn blur, he said he would like to speak to his mother every night; I will convery this warm message to his mother, it will warm her up for the whole week.

Business of ISP in Taiwan is getting tough, the acqusition result behind target for 3 months, I am afraid that the annual break even will be in doubt, the level of nervous make me sending the warning letter to sales and marketing mangers, with my tone and charactor, they should understand why I am worried about and I should have this postion to react.


I am so unhappy now, why she going out for dinner alone and return home with an angry face? why point finger to me and accused my feeding Sound with cookies ? and this is the bas part, why said this unfair word to me ? I am doing nothing when she's out ; I am really mad, Sound is hungry and that's 6 o'clock already, how should I know exactly when she will return ? what's wrong to feed him with cookies? and what's the point to complain my doing nothing at home? I switch off th TV even I am watching The 7th games on Taiwan series; can't erase my fire, I review Fruits' homework for a while and tell her how I feel about her poisoned complain. I quit eating sweet patato as my protest to her terrible behavior.

to finish Friday evening, when introduct R. to YPO membership officials with a few forum member, I choose AV Gallrary and prepare Yannics cake to go with the coffee, owner of AV gallrary secure 4th floor for us, a privacy AV lounge with a coffee stand; D. explained some basic information about YPO and how Taiwan different from other charpet, how they pick and welcoming potential members, the key message from the converstion is to let potential new member understand that " Time commitment " is essential to the organiztion, everyone here is CEO, how to put it on top of all the priority is a critical point to members; I think D. did a good job, I remember when enrolled in the recuriting process, the membership officer and my sponsoers they don't share much information wtih me and I hardly picture the meaning and purpose to be in this association, the introduction session on Friday is an orientation to me too. I can feel how they value the organiation and displine themsleves to it.

Friday night was an old music veteran reunion dinner, acturally there were only 4 of us who worked in the same music company before, they were all my employee befor, Ne. is the oldest fellow to me, we've been working together for more than 10 years and knowing each other for 15 years, K. and E. were new associate in the second music company; we had this dinner every few months, every one host one dinner and pick the restaurant, chat and share is the nature of the gathering; E. is very good in finanical related product knowledge and win himself a fortune by investing in the stock market few years ago; I was the witness for K.'s wedding, but there of us deal with his marriage status very offen, he had big problem in handling marriage issue and coming a hard way to live with his wife; N. is the eldest among us, a funny guy, last Friday, hosted by Ne, he picked Hou-chin -- a Taiwanese restaurant with very Taiwanese decoration and flovour, we had a long dinner and can't finished our converstaion by 11:00 pm, K. left one multi-national company and planning to open a consulting company in the field of cosmetic / luxury good counter management and training; this is a great challenge to everyone, I have been thinking of runnning consultaning company before, when draft the business plan, I found the difficult part is to identify and locate your customer; I wish him all the best ou our way back home, we share the taxi together, he bought a new house in Shin-Dien, a neigherhood area to where I resident.

I don't know the score by now and will check it after this. the OX fight with LION were interesting battle, and this is my first time to follow all the games in Taiwan series. kind of fun.

if PTS decision granded next week, I may have a more relax or focus mind in working.

Finally, I did clean the dressing room this morning, my wife leave this mass to me and check my patient to fix it, I did it 90% and will follow the rest after lunch, Sat. was a normal day, we change the ping pong sesstion to afternoon due to Tom have to attend the school exercise