
Second confirm contract

Yesterday afternoon, Synyi restate came and visit us, we finally reach the agreement of providing LiChun CSR service to them; with the annual price down from proposed 2 millions NT to 1.2 NT, leave the open discussion of how to maximise the remaining 4.8 millions NT in the coming year. it took 3 months in negociation until we reach the agreement yesterday. although we didn't achieve the sales goal, but the profolio of client is revelant enough to convenience other potentials we can deliver, in a way of showing of our current client.

To forming a company doing CSR , the value confrontation and conflict fighting all the time, but, I like it, how to exercise and achieve the company goal, at the same time, to contribute on what we did for good. The Himalaya groud company meeting yesterday, H. Han share with us the article copied from Economist - the new trend of buidling social business, I love the sub headline from the article - " To Have, but not to Hold ", the sharing of public property is a good way to improve the overall society.

8r8 initative take a few steps further, contact with Jingo records and conduct a short but impressive presentaion. to demonstrate Marty 101 and win the interest of Chen's brother, they are interested to be the sole distributor , Celine don't have solid business experience, something act as there's no problem to handle, the truth is, a lot of uncertainlty lay in between. but the meeting with Chen's brother is a good start. today, we will see Mr. Wei in the morning and to presnt what we think is right to market his pet toy and dream project.

Lunch with 2 doctors in discussion about the Depress disease ( I don't know how to use the terms ) Sean and Sidney make a complementary role in pointing out the physical and metal sympton of such a disease from their professional knowledge; and Sean did come up with some idea / project to conduct a pre-vention educational campaign in Taiwan; Lichun is thinking how to match the enterprise and the subject and bring one of the CSR project / case in the new developing social issue - depress caused suicidital intention is growing and there's no way the existing system such as hospital or public sector can perform in good manner.

Lulu's chat is interesting, she shared with me what happend duirng the press conference - not right after the event, but until yesterday, a nice and mature lady, so, I should be the one to compensate what's wrong with the client side ,and be sure every step we follow with client, I should have a reveiw before it launch. a good observation and advise from Lulu.

Tom finally get the offer from CHT, although we have some worries, but I do think he should play his game and perform as a senior executive in CHT, too much advise may put him in a nowhere land, dysfuntional and don't know what to say, don't do what to do. his first perception of the postion and job is - there's a big tramp out there waiting for him, the truth is, as you identified the tramp already, it won't caugh you, so , what botther to worried, think how to in control. smell the envirement with six sense, building up the team with new and trust partner. and to achieve the goal. whatever it is.

I am not sure if this is right to place young talent to Tom's rigme as I am not sure if we are so good in knowing new talent in the future, and what kind of talent they equip? a talent's talent can be devidied to varies funtion and specility, what we favor to see don't support the talent in all funtion. we must be careful about it, it take a time to know a person, to a certain extend, it take time to identify a true talent.

consective 4 days / nights love with wife, the first experience since we married, I love her I am in love again, this is truth and I am sober now, clearing knowing how to make use of my time and to come up with MEANING when working.

Pressure from finance will bring you some shadow, this is what you can't avoid, but , be content and be satisfied with what you have now, the existance is luxuary enough. Taking MRT to place I want to be and from office to home become normal, I enjoy it.


A lot to share these days

Travel to Alashan - the inner Mongorai keep me away from my blog , and the long trip back home put me distance away from it again, it's been 5 days since I posted my last notes. but a lot of thing happen these days, I better write it down before my memory erase.

Tom succefully access to CHT, he will be on board from March 16. he is so exciting, when doing our exercise tonight, I sense a proud or content flavor from him, this is what I hate to see, althought last night, when he called and confirmed his appointment, I can tell over the phone that he is very exciting. I share it with my wife and decided not to reveal any thing about how he was recruited, this is a kept secret. I hope my six sense is wrong, otherwise, I may put Chiarman in an uncomfortable chair, I am thinking to place one person next to him at CHT, and see how he response to his new assignment.

Checking the site at Keelung, I found a few difficulty to perform Hung Yi's wish, it will take longer than we expected, and I hold different opinion from Celine, I am not favor in build up the debating system in order to preserve what we think is right for us, it will end up with spending too much time on non performing issues. I am the only person brought Camera with me. so...

Discuss Maggie Yao's role in the company, I agree with a talent to be developed with me, but disagree with an extra headcount if we don't bring back the investment. I am happy with my clear mind these day, as I wrote a reminding note to myself : every session , meeting in my diray should be meaningful and should bring some expected result. I can afford to waste any time. Eugenia is a great helper, she is the perosn I really respect.

Attending the first Himalaya foundation's group company meeting, met with new faces, and learnt that Cliff - former CEO of Orbis Taiwan, will take lead in reengineering the foundation, I feel relief but feel some competiton in between, never mind, this is a good approcah for every CSR driven initative, I should be honset to this feeling.

Yesterday, the best Forum meeting ever since I join the group, I did value the session and sharing. especially when to topic centered on spouse relationship and growing kid. and foresee the problem of kid's marriage and career, the discussion about soulmate is a good one, I love my brothers, no matter they can help me in developing my career or not. AJ called me late at 11. share with me some secret which he didn't disclosed at the Forum. I adore him. really.

Alashan trip is an impact to me, The desert, The oasis, The camel, the sheep and the wild land and people, I learn a lot from the road I walked and the people I see, entreprunour from China have their prestigiuous ink, one day, they will take the world.

I shall writing my trip memories during my way to Cape Town. on the plane.