
In the army?

I was so mad yesterday morning; prepare a good mood to the office, but the early morning session screw it up. monthly gathering scheduled at 9:00 am, this is " The " most important activity for the company so to speak. however, employee were late and lazy, one diretor even prepare a wrong data - he report the business achievment using last month's chart. I can't beleive this happens, director of the company presenting in front of whole company with wrong figures. more over, this is the first and only session our new Chairman join us - what a shame to show the less-qauaility imprssion to him.

The after gathering session even worst, in order to make the whole company celebrate a " Birthday Feel ", I urge the Wellfare Committe change the birthday party to tail after the monthly gathering, this will at least make sure the turn out will be better and those who spend their birthday in the month will feel more comfortable, however yesterday after the monthly gathering, I see some of our empoloyee walking down the stair towrad to office, I am so angery and asked them to come up -- with a miltary order tense and attitude, I don't know and I don't mind if I shocked them, I really mad about people who don't want to be a team player and ignoring the company prinspal and displince. why not attending it and why not be part of the unity? I hate it and can't cease my rage.

The unpleasant mood carried to the manager's meeting afterward, I strongly challenge managers who don't undersatand their business, if they didn't know what's going on with my inquiry, they didn't own there business and can't be proud of what they did, or don't have an idea of what went wrong.

This is exactly what we share at the lunch with L. a potential candidate to run the company, he will take more responsibilty from now on, a succession plan so to speak, I should think hard who will lead the company , then I will plan my own.

Take early leave for doing my PP, and went home having the romantic dinner at " Rosemary " a reastuarant located beside the Be-tan Suspension bridge - a great scenic spot at night, we enjoy the first empty-nest live today - Sound is on Forest elementry school and Fruit on Tsui-shu high school.


Inspiration of Thai Massage

Sat. morning, I was alone at the sports arena, no one show up for the ping pon session. I sat at the field and reading my book " Business the Richard Branson way ", it took me 2 hours before I decided to go. this is the first time no one show up even I sent out the exercise invitation one day earlier.

I take a Thai Massage at east Taipei. it was nice. the massageure were coming from Thailand, I am wondering if they obtain any working permition. but to relax my body is better than concering if she get the licence. I am surprise that I didn't fall in sleep, as I was so tired in Tokyo, but my brain keep working, the 2 hours massage was a perfect reflection to my project next.

The business we are planning to do together - with C. is a big question mark, as we didn't draw a clear map of " What to do ? " and " Where to go? ", the 2 hours relaxitiom provide me a shelte to think hard, thank for Pony's trigger about the " Altruism Corporation" concept, I incubate it and degest it so hard, then I realized this might be a perfect something we should go for. we -- 2 specialist with complementary experience, can mutually benefit from the altruism concept. we can " Generate , Create, Enhance Credit " to those who need it , the I drawing the business domain under the concepture of " Credit builder "- we can target 4 major areas who we think are hunger for " Social Capita ", the credit we provide will ultimately become there need in the future.

The majoy 4 industries are : Government , Industry as a whole, Huge corporation and Indivisua. stage after is to define the need from each catagrory and to identify " Primary and Secondary customer ".

" Starting with " Why " - in Chinese , it pronuced " Bad " - is what I am doing right now, I want to draw a road map and discussion issues before set up the whole day meeting with C. I am happy about the " finding the positing and value we are and knowint the maket "be created upon our forcasting "

Taking Sound and wife out today, a stroll at the basement mall on Railway station , before the Lan Chow Laman, I had Singpore Chicken rice; after Laman, I brough them to the Magic Currey house across the street. this is crazy, I ate the biggest portion of my meal for the last 12 months, I should never do it again.